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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

1. A stage in which stones implements were polished and keenly sharpened, thus being made for superior to their earlier prototypes; shelter was created out of materials converted from their natural state into blocks, beams or boards.
a. Eolithic
b. Neolithic
c. Paleolithic
d. Primitive

2. Whose educational theorist states that within the consciousness of the individual, within the moral nature of man is to be found the determination of the aim of life and purpose of education?
a. Aristotle
b. Plato
c. Socrates
d. Quintillan

3. To whom do Filipinos owe the widespread Philippine educational system today?
a. The first Filipino political leader’s
b. The Americans
c. The Japanese
d. The Spaniards

4. The aim of this education is for the salvation of individual souls through moral physical disciplines and self- desire.
a. Scholasticism
b. Monasticism
c. Chivalric education
d. Humanism

5. A movement based on the belief that education should be concerned with actualities of life, in effect it was a form of protest against the formalism of humanist and the religious reformers.
a. Reformation Movement
b. Idealist Movement
c. Realist Movement
d. Humanism Movement

6. Branches of Philosophy that deals with the problems of values that include ethical, aesthetic, religious and social values.
a. Logic
b. Axiology
c. Epistemology
d. Metaphysics

7. An act that requires education graduates to take a licensure test under the supervision of the PRC.
a. R.A. No. 7722
b. R.A. No. 7784
c. R.A. No. 7836
d. R.A. No. 4670

8. It refers to the quantitative changes in an individual as he progress in chronological age.
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Education
d. Maturation

9. Believes that child’s cognitive development follows a well- defines sequence of stage whereby they acquire structures and schemes that enable them to deal with the world.
a. Jean Piaget
b. Sigmund Freud
c. Erik Erikson
d. Laurence Kohlberg

10. A process of creating a new scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment.
a. Equilibration
b. Accommodation
c. Assimilation
d. Maturation

11. In what level of Moral Development which judgments are based on the norms of expectations of the group?
a. Post- conventional morality
b. Pre- conventional morality
c. Theory of moral development
d. Conventional morality

12. The theory where in association between a conditioned stimulus a response is strengthened by repeated presentation with the unconditional stimulus.
a. Connectionism theory
b. Classical Conditioning
c. Operant conditioning
d. Social Learning theory

13. Factors affect learning that made through the use of audio- visual aids, review, drills and other means is _________.
a. Motivation
b. Extinction
c. Reinforcement
d. Interest

14. Learning is strengthened if it results to satisfaction but weakened if it results to annoyance is _________.
a. Law of Effect
b. Law of Exercise
c. Law of Readiness
d. all of the above

15. Whose thought is this: “Although there is an external world from which human beings acquire sensory in formation, ideas originate from the workings of the mind.”
a. Rationalist
b. Existentialist
c. Empiricist
d. Pragmatist

16. It is the study of man’s pre- history through the buried remains of ancient culture, skeletal remnants of human beings.
a. Anthropology
b. Archeology
c. Ethnology
d. Ethnography

17. It is the strong ideas of right and wrong which embody the moral views of the group.
a. Folkways
b. Culture
c. Taboo
d. Mores

18. It is the belief in supernatural spirits who are presumably interfering with the man’s affairs.
a. Animism
b. Fatalism
c. Euphemism
d. Rationalism

19. It is the desire to be accepted by his fellowmen for what he is and to be treated according to his status.
a. Pakikisama
b. Go- between
c. social acceptance
d. Hiya

20. If you believe that the child’s mind in TABULA RASA, in what process will you engage the child to learn?
a. Sensory impressions
b. Reasoning
c. Reflections
d. Metacognition

21. A pre- school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down.” This shows that the pre- school child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is called ______
a. symbolism
b. animation
c. realism
d. animism

22. Stage when at the onset of puberty, feelings is directed toward other persons of opposite sex.
a. Latency Stage
b. Genital
c. Anal Stage
d. Phallic Stage

23. A theory which describes how the intellect develops and comes to know and understand the world.
a. Psychological Theory
b. Theory of Moral Development
c. Psychoanalysis Theory
d. Cognitive Theory

24. Stage in cognitive development was children begin to learn symbols system and concepts, acquire concepts and learn to add and subtract.
a. Formal Operation Stage
b. Pre- operation Stage
c. Concrete Operation Stage
d. Sensory Motor Stage

25. Experimentation in Science laboratory classes is an example of
a. Cognitive Learning
b. Sensory Motor Learning
c. Affective Learning
d. Association Learning

26. Learning which involves acquisition of attitudes, ideas, judgment and knowledge concerning values that may result from experience.
a. Problem- solving Learning
b. Association Learning
c. Affective Learning
d. Cognitive Learning

27. One way of studying the human mind is through looking into one’s own self find out his own conscious feelings or sensations.
a. Introspection
b. Psychoanalysis
c. Behaviorism
d. Imagination

28. His theory focused on the problem of what people do with information to achieve generalized in sights.
a. Kohler
b. Brunner
c. Kohlberg
d. Watson

29. How a child talks or gestures which have been learned from models he has been exposed to is an example of.
a. Insight Learning
b. Social Learning Theory
c. Instrumental Conceptualism
d. Programmed Learning

30. The desire or tendency of people who went to be with other people particularly people of their own kind is.
a. Group
b. Gregariousness (sociability)
c. Association
d. Social Group

31. It is an example of the Law of Effect.
a. constant repetition of reciting a poem
b. learning to read
c. reviewing a lessons
d. tendency to repeat and learn to interpret the poem taught

32. The philosophical doctrine that emphasizes the role of experience rather than the role of reason as the source of knowledge.
a. Pragmatism
b. Empiricism/Pragmatism
c. Progressivism
d. Functionalism

33. Believes in the doctrine that there is an indispensable common core of culture that can be identified and should be taught to all with religious standards of achievements.
a. Idealism
b. Existentialism
c. Empiricism
d. Essentialism

34. His aim of education is individual not a preparation for but participation in the life around the individual.
a. Froebel
b. Spencer
c. Herbart
d. Pestalozzi

35. Which philosophy approves of a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to memorize the rules of grammar?
a. Pragmatism
b. Existentialism
c. Realism
d. Idealism

36. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education?
a. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics.
b. Learn the different philosophies of education.
c. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined.
d. Develop men into a thinking individual.

37. Which of the following is an example of linguistic over extension that a 2- year old might make?
a. saying “bye- bye” to indicate that he or she wants to go out
b. pointing to a cat and saying “doggie”
c. repeating certain syllables, such as “ma- m a- ma”
d. reversing word order, such as “want it, paper”

38. “Sometimes it may better to make wrong decisions when a decision is urgent to make a “right” decision too late” a thought encourage by the.
a. Rationalist
b. Progressivist
c. Realist
d. Existentialist

39. Which among the following objectives in the psychomotor domain is the highest in level?
a. To contract a muscle
b. To run a 100- meter dash
c. To distinguish distant and close sound
d. To dance the basic steps of the waltz

40. Which instructional aids pupils to perform?
a.  Mock- up
b. Film
c. Pantomime
d. Comic books

41. Which of the following best describes counseling as a profession?
a. Help- oriented
b. Problem- focused
c. Teaching – related
d. Process- directed

42. The person extending professional assistance to another during the counseling process is referred to as.
a. counselor
b. psychologist
c. teacher counselor
d. clinical psychologist

43. The developmental focus of the guidance process suggests that it.
a. Follows definite phases and stages
b. Entails much time and effort
c. Is characterized by varied changes
d. Facilitates changes in all aspects

44. Which of the following qualifications may best ensure the professional competence of the school counseling personnel?
a. Work experience
b. Educational Training
c. Length of service
d. Honors and awards

45. How may education and guidance support and complement each other to the learner’s advantage?
a. Designating teachers to guidance position
b. Assigning guidance responsibilities to teachers
c. Consulting students in guidance program planning
d. Integrating guidance and counseling in daily lessons

46. The enhancement of the learner’s decision making skills is premised on the belief that he/she has the right and capability to.
a. formulate life goals
b. make independent choices
c. receive maximum assistance
d. develop potentials to the optimum

47. When a teacher consistently fuses problem solving and coping skills in her teaching guidance that is likely to be reinforced is the ________ area.
a. academic
b. career
c. personal
d. co- curricular

48. As essential guidance service that deals with monitoring counseling cases as well as school graduates is called.
a. counseling
b. information
c. placement
d. follow- up

49. Which of the following is NOT a guidance role of the classroom teacher?
a. Psychological Test Administrator
b. Listener- Adviser
c. Human Potential Discoverer
d. Total Development Facilitator

50. How many classroom teacher help a learner client regain self- confidence after going through a personal crisis?
a. Assign him as peer counselor
b. Recommend him for transfer to another class
c. Make solutions to future problems readily available
d. Provide him with continued understanding and support

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