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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

1. Which stage of the counseling process does decision- making takes place?
a. Establishing rapport
b. Focusing on concerns
c. Acting on the concerns
d. Closure or termination

2. Which type of test would yield significant data for a region- wide assessment of school performance?
a. Aptitude
b. Achievement
c. Evaluation
d. Placement

3. Ms. Tapla is designing a Values Formation Program for a group of high school students. Which type of test should she use to assess the needs of the target participants?
a. Interest Test
b. Aptitude Test
c. Intelligence Test
d. Personality Test

4. If the school guidance program is highly academic oriented, the _________ principle is not properly observed.
a. Holistic Development
b. Confidentiality of information
c. Independence in Decision- Making
d. Adherence to Professional Standards

5. In line with the principle of professional competence, it is the responsibility of the counseling team members to.
a. stand up for the basic rights
b. enhance their counseling skills
c. respect the worth and dignity of the client
d. observe strictly the professional standards

6. What should a classroom teacher do if a learner with a serious emotional problem seeks his/her assistance?
a. Personally handle the case
b. Refer the learner to the school counselor
c. Consult the principal to what course of action to take
d. Tell the learner’s parents to bring him/her to a psychologist outside the school

7. Which of the following best describes the individual inventory service of the guidance program?
a. The administration of psychological test to the clients
b. The means of assessing the guidance needs of the target clients
c. The process of gathering, organizing, and utilizing pertinent data about the clients

8. Why should a needs assessment survey be undertaken before planning the school guidance program?
a. It is integral part of program planning
b. It provides for the total development of the target clientele
c. It ensures the relevance and meaningfulness of the guidance program
d. It contributes to the comprehensiveness of the program goals and activities

9. Which of the following characteristics of the classroom teacher is most instrumental in her being a key member of the school guidance team?
a. Experience
b. Personal qualities
c. Educational Background
d. Close contact with Learners

10. Which of the following appraisal techniques would be most useful with a big number of desired respondents?
a. Interview
b. Observation
c. Questionnaire
d. Autobiography

11. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s law of
a. Belongingness
b. Readiness
c. Exercise
d. Effect

12. Which is NOT a basic component of a lesson plan?
a. Evaluation
b. Assignment
c. Resources
d. Content

13. Teacher V teaches the pupils to find the main idea, sequence events, find the details, and read creatively and critically. What skills does Teacher V teach?
a. Utilizing skills
b. Study skills
c. Comprehension skills
d. Word recognition skills

14. Which one can help student develop the habit of critical thinking?
a. Asking low level questions
b. A willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is represented
c. Asking convergent questions
d. Blind obedience to authority

15. Teacher wants his pupils to master the skill in adding unlike fractions. Which method should he use?
a. Unit Method
b. Drill Method
c. Laboratory Method
d. Discovery Method

16. In the K- W- L technique K stands for what the pupil already knows, W for he wants to know and L for what he
a. failed to learn
b. he likes to learn
c. needs to learn
d. learned

17. Teacher Z shows a histogram on Filipino population growth from 1990 to 2001. Seeing the pattern of growth, pupil is asked to tell what will happen in the next two years. What skill are the pupils asked to display?
a. Inferring
b. Predicting
c. Intrapolating
d. Drawing

18. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons?
a. Use questions requiring only memory responses
b. Expect participation only among the more motivated students
c. Involve students actively in the questioning process
d. As a teacher, you ask no questions

19. Bryan has had difficulty getting the right solution to a problem in algebra. Suddenly he “saw” how solve to problem. Which of the following explains this situation?
a. Revelation
b. Insight
c. Retention
d. Memory

20. After a lessons on AIDS, the students are asked to summarize the lesson in one long sentence by answering: Who; Does what?; When?; Why? This assessment technique evaluates student’s ability to.
a. evaluate
b. analyze
c. synthesize
d. recall

21. In what level of objective in the affective domain is this objective: To contribute to the discussion by asking questions.
a. Organization
b. Receiving
c. Responding
d. Valuing

22. Which activity is best suited to summarize a lesson at the end?
a. Ask students to interpret a cartoon related to the lesson.
b. Present a medical summary
c. Administer a short Quiz
d. Give as homework

23. What is the best way to handle a situation when a teacher realize that her planned lesson were inadequate?
a. Send the students to the library to read related topics
b. Tell the students to prepare for the next subject
c. Give the students an essay for the remaining period
d. Provide more exercises on the major points of the lesson.

24. After reading “The Horse and the Red Hen, teacher asked the students this question: “What is the best thing to be according to the Horse”? Under what level of comprehension does this question fall?
a. Interpretation
b. Literal comprehension
c. Integration
d. Critical evaluation

25. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
a. Use of multimedia approaches
c. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process
b. Cognitive insight
d. Concept of readiness in learning

26. Which is a popular teaching- learning approach found in the Philippine schools were classrooms are generally self- contained, teacher is the focal point and reference, and the pupils are taught the basic skills- reading, writing, and counting?
a. Situational approach
b. Traditional approach
c. Montessori approach
d. eclectic approach

27. Which learning principle marks the highlight of Multiple Intelligences?
a. Learning is static and permanent
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Cognitive theory is stressed in learning
d. People have different I.Q level

28. The teacher provides various learning activities and methods in her teaching so that diverse needs and interest of learners are met. Which principle of learning did she consider?
a. Learning by doing
b. Cognitive development stages
c. Multiple intelligence
d. Cooperative learning

29. A student has just learned a particular formula to make math problem solve. She tries it with another problem and succeeds at it. So, this student is even more encouraged to discover easier ways to solve math problems. Which of Thorndike’s law is depicted in the situation?
a. Readiness
b. Effect
c. Repetition
d. Practice

30. Teacher Jen begins her lesson with concrete life experiences then leads the students to abstractions. Which method did she employ?
a. Transductive
b. Inductive
c. Deductive
d. Interactive

31. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which particular skill(s) her pupils are weak which test should Teacher B give?
a. Aptitude Test
b. Placement Test
c. Diagnostic Test
d. Standardized Test

32. Which the following supports the idea that teaching is a human activity?
a. The teacher’s job is quite enormous which includes the selection of the instructional units, lesson plans and methods to be used.
b. Teacher provides students the facilities and necessary skills needed to develop their maximum potential
c. Teaching is just helping students understand how they grow change and most of all the how and why of their behavior.
d. The teacher should be well acquainted on the nature of the learner, subject matter and instructional material

33. Which of the following is NOT an example of a teacher’s non- verbal communication?
a. eye contact
b. gestures
c. pauses
d. voice

34. Good teaching is accepting responsibility for helping to make the journey as interesting, as rewarding and as exciting as possible. This proves that teaching demands?
a. rest and relaxation
b. interest in the profession
c. efficiency in service
d. deeper commitment

35. Which of the following is NOT true about the professional qualities of a teacher?
a. Seldom comes on time
b. Provides quality instructions to the students
c. Knowledgeable of the subject matter he/she teaches
d. Teachers who truly love children can imbue with the love for learning

36. Which of the following lesson plan objectives needs improvement?
a. To explain the life cycle of a butterfly.
b. To dramatize situation showing humility
c. To define terms in about evolution comprehensively.
d. To develop scientific attitudes and apply scientific processes of thinking.

37. To make the lesson meaningful, systematic and motivating, teachers’ example should be:
a. based on higher- level skills
c. interesting aided with illustrations
b. easy, simple and understandable
d. relevant to students’ experience and knowledge

38. What law of learning when a review of the past lesson is conducted before the discussion of the new lesson?
a. Law of exercise
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Readiness
d. Law of Acceleration

39. Charles dances well. He knows how something works and he fixes things without asking for help. Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence under what intelligence is she strong?
a. Musical
b. Spatial
c. Kinesthetic
d. Intrapersonal

40. A parent regarding the grades of his son confronted you. If you are the teacher, what will be the best thing for you to do?
a. send them to the principal
b. show all the records of the child
c. compare the results of the child to other students
d. tell the parents that your computation is correct and final

41. A generally accepted principle use as a basis for the whole process of teaching
a. method
b. technique
c. strategy
d. approach

42. When does effective teaching takes place?
a. There is interaction between teacher and students
b. Students perform well in the given tasks
c. Knowledge has been imparted
d. Desirable changes are evident in the learner’s behavior

43. A vehicle on the street hit a 10- year- old pupil when he requested by his teacher to leave the class and buy for her snacks at Jollibee. Does the teacher become liable for the incident?
a. Yes, because the incident happen within her official time.
b. Yes, because that is her responsibility
c. No, because the pupil did not watch for his safety
d. No, because that was an incident and it happened to anyone

44. You found out that one of your pupils is not attending your class for almost a month now. What is the most ideal for you to do?
a. Conduct a home visit
b. Drop her in the class
c. Ignore the situation
d. Write a letter to his/her parents

45. The parents of your pupil wanted to see the scores of their child in your class record. Can you refuse the parents to see the records of their child?
a. Yes, because it’s your right
b. Yes, because it’s your personal document
c. No, because parents have their own right
d. No, because class record is a public document

46. A teacher is a model of virtues. How can this be shown?
a. The teacher is hopping from one relationship to another
b. The teacher devoted her time for her job with excellence
c. The teacher touches the lives of her students
d. The teacher seriously maintained a structure of power and trust

47. Which of the following practices is unethical for a teacher?
a. The teacher observes mobility of her profession.
b. The teacher cast her vote during national and local elections
c. The teacher can claim money from the services rendered by his colleagues
d. a teacher organizes remedial program for students with learning difficulty

48. One of the students was attracted and fell in love with the teacher. What is the best option the teachers do in his situation?
a. Impose disciplinary action
c. Call the attention of the student’s parents
b. Accept student’s feelings
d. Listen to the student and make her understand both situations

49. What will happen if there is NO Code of Ethics in the teaching profession?
a. Teaching becomes a hit- and- miss- profession
b. Refinement of the dignity of the teaching profession
c. Integrity of the teaching profession will be elevated to a certain level.
d. Respect of the Human Dignity is missing

50. Most of the fresh graduates are deployed to teach in the rural areas than in the lowland villages of the towns and cities. What is the rationale behind this practice?
a. They are young and healthy
b. They are active and realistic to take risk
c. For them to experience trials in teaching
d. For them to find future partners in life

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