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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education
Sociology and Anthropology

1) The family where one is born, reared and socialized is –
a. family orientation 
b. family of procreation 
c. nuclear family
d. egalitarian family 
e. none of these

2) The type of residence which permits the newly married couple to reside independently of the parents of the bride and the groom is – 
a. patrilocal 
b. matrilocal 
c. bilocal 
d. neolocal residence
e. none of these

3) The function of religion in all culture is –
a. to provide guidance to behavior
b. perform welfare function
c. discover a road to spiritual serenity
d. perform recreation function
e. all of these

4) The hierarchical arrangement and establishment of social categories that may evolve into social groups together with statuses and their corresponding roles refer to:
a. social ranking 
b. social stratification 
c. bureaucracy
d. segmentation
e. none of these

5) The social standing of a person or group within a social class or the whole stratification system is called – 
a. status 
b. role 
c. social exchange 
d. social rank 
e. none of these

6) When we say Cebuanos are thrifty and industrious, and Bicolanos are friendly people, we are making use – 
a. stereotypes 
b. ethnocentrism 
c. Epithets
d. prejudice
e. none of these

7) The improvement in the quality of life, ensuring adequate level of nutrition and suitable characteristics of economically and politically stable societies of the West is –
a. modernization 
b. development 
c. globalization 
d. progress
e. none of these

8) The movement of a person or group of persons to another place more or less for permanent residence is –
a. migration 
b. population growth 
c. population change 
d. ecological movement
e. none of these

9) The complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by men as a member of society is –
a. religion 
b. ethnocentrism 
c. idiosyncrasy 
d. culture
e. none of these

10) The anthropologist who discovered the tabon cave in Palawan was – 
a. Jaime Bulatao 
b. Linda Jocano 
c. Robert Fox 
d. Frank Lynch
e. Francisco Rodrigo

11) The kinship group consisting of parents and children is the –
a. nuclear 
b. stem 
c. extended 
d. households
e. none of these

12) ____ is the material wealth given to the bride and her family before marriage.
a. bride wealth 
b. fosterage 
c. dowry 
d. fetish
e. all of these

13) Polygamy is practiced by the –
a. Muslims of southern Philippines
b. Kalingas 
c. Bontocs 
d. Negritos
e. Cebuanos

14) ___ describes the blurring and breakdown of established rules, standards, categories, distinctions and boundaries.
a. naturalization 
b. postmodern 
c. urbanization 
d. westernization
e. none of these

15) ___ are considered as society’s standards of morality, propriety, ethics and legality.
a. folkways 
b. values 
c. norm
d. habits
e. all of these

16) ___ is the family in which a person is raised and born.
a. family of procreation 
b. family of orientation 
c. extended family
d. joint family
e. family size

17) ___ was Frank Lynch’s contribution to the study of Filipino values. It connotes the facility of getting along with others so as to avoid outward signs of conflicts, even under difficult circumstances.
a. smooth interpersonal relationship
b. reciprocity 
c. amor propio 
d. utang na loob
e. all of these

18) ___ is a Filipino value and defined as benign taken by one’s fellowmen for what one is or believes he is and treated in accordance with his status, not rejected or improperly criticized.
a. social acceptance 
b. pakikipagkapwa 
c. amor propio 
d. bayanihan
e. none of these

19) Countless popular songs tell us that for every person there is one true love. This is an example of –
a. real culture 
b. ideal culture 
c. subculture 
d. patterned evasion
e. all of these

20) Which of the following is a value?
a. students should not throw spitballs during classes
b. students who cheat on examinations should be suspended
c. all young people have a right to an education
d. college professors should not data their students
e. all of the above

21) A rule about putting your napkins in your lap before you start eating is an example of –
a. mores 
b. ethnocentrism 
c. folkway 
d. laws
e. none of these

22) By taking the role of the other, George Herbert Mead meant –
a. practicing the new role before actually taking on that role
b. seeing an image of oneself reflected in other people’s eyes
c. learning to play a game such as baseball by the rules
d. learning to see things from another person’s point of view.
e. all of these

23) One of the primary differences between peers and parents as agents of socialization is that –
a. peers engage in open conflict
b. peer’s relations are egalitarian
c. peers and parents have different conflicting values
d. peer are more fun
e. all of these

24) Freud’s term for the part of the personality that operates on the pleasure level, seeking immediate gratification, is the –
a. Id 
b. Superego 
c. ego 
d. libido
e. drive

25) Which of the following theories saw socialization as a confrontation between the individual and society?
a. Sigmund Freud 
b. Erik Erikson 
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Charles Horton Cooley
e. John Locke

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Professional Education

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