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Civil Service Reviewer on Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with Examples and Meanings
Correct Spelling

The Civil Service Exam also tests your ability to identify words which are correctly spelled. Indeed, it is a challenging type of exam because it tests your ability to discern whether or not a particular word correct. More often than not, you might actually think that you really know the correct spelling of a particular word, but be warned, it is designed to confuse you. So how can you ace in such kind of a test? The answer is simple - through constant reading, this way you are familiarizing yourself with great amount of words, and they might actually appear before you in the civil service exam.

Idiomatic Expressions: Examples and their Meanings

An idiom is a phrase, or a combination of words, that has developed a figurative meaning through frequency of use. They can be useful and even fun to use but can be confusing too.

For example, what does it mean to “spill the beans,” and why is everyone making such a fuss over someone doing it? Why are they telling that person to “break a leg” on stage? As if it's just like eating a "piece of cake.


Here are some examples:

- At the drop of a hat - without hesitation; instantly
- Beat around the bush - Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
- Bite off more than you can chew - To take on a task that is way to big.
- Blessing in disguise - Something good that isn't recognized at first.
- Break a leg - Give your best. Wishing someone luck.
- Burn the midnight oil - To study or work late into the night.
- Cry over spilt milk - Complaining about a loss or failure from the past.
- Every cloud has a silver lining - Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.
- Give the benefit of the doubt - Believe someone's statement, without proof.
- It takes two to tango - Actions or communications need more than one person.
- Spill the bean - Tell a secret.
- Taste of your own medicine - Something that happens to you, or is done to you, which you have done to someone else.
- Your guess is as good as mine - To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question


DIRECTIONS: Choose the number where the word is misspelled.

1. Acknowledgement
2. Committee
3. Illicit
4. Grizzly
5. No error

1. Strenght
2. Receipt
3. Parallel
4. Commission
5. No error

1. Receive
2. Fourteen
3. Miniature
4. Commission
5. No error

1. Disintegrate
2. Immigrate
3. Supercede
4. Illegal
5. No error

1. Noticeable
2. Separate
3. Environment
4. Oppurtunity
5. Noe error

1. Embarrass
2. Accomodate
3. Humorous
4. Rhythm
5. No error

1. Judgement
2. Licence
3. Innoculate
4. All misspelled
5. No error

1. Inaugurate
2. Unpredecented
3. Indiscriminate
4. Unwarranted
5. No error

1. Indifferent
2. Homogeneous
3. Maintenance
4. Eloquence
5. No error

1. Occasionally
2. Obtrusive
3. Misscommunication
4. All Misspelled
5. No error

1. Conspicuous
2. Concupiscense
3. Dissipate
4. Dormant
5. No error

1. Dessiminate
2. Document
3. Eccentric
4. Execute
5. No error

1. Fascimile
2. Lackadaisical
3. Irreverence
4. Retrieve
5. No error

1. Gullible
2. Comtroller
3. Musketry
4. Preamble
5. No error

1. Malecious
2. Spontaneity
3. Unimpeachable
4. Commiserate
5. No error

1. Combustion
2. Infiltrate
3. Morose
4. Naivete
5. No error

1. Paramore
2. Terrestial
3. Sorrugate
4. All misspelled
5. No error

1. Oppulence
2. Pessimism
3. Solemnity
4. All misspelled
5. No error

1. Transgresion
2. Transcent
3. Inpunity
4. All misspelled
5. No error

1. Plesbicite
2. Irreperable
3. Homogenous
4. All misspelled
5. No error

1. Regatta
2. Warranty
3. Rendevouz
4. Arrears
5. No error

1. Corraborate
2. Despicable
3. Ascendancy
4. Ammunition
5. No error

1. Halcyon
2. Forsight
3. Fortuitous
4. Loquacious
5. No error

1. Synoptic
2. Surreptitios
3. Loathe
4. Temperate
5. No error

1. Santimonius
2. Presumption
3. Pulchritude
4. Audacious
5. No error

Correct Answers
1. 1 - Acknowledgment
2. 1 - Strength
3. 5 - No error
4. 3 - Supersede
5. 4 - Opportunity
6. 2 - Accommodate
7. 4 - Judgment; Inoculate; License
8. 2 - Indiscriminate
9. 3 - Maintenance
10. 4 - Occasionally; Obtrusive; Miscommunication
11. 2 - Concupiscence
12. 1 - Disseminate
13. 1 - Facsimile
14. 2 - Comptroller
15. 1 - Malicious
16. 5 - No error
17. 4 - Paramour; Terrestrial; Surrogate
18. 4 - Opulence; Pessimism; Solemnity
19. 4 - Transgression; Transcend; Impunity
20. 4 - Plebiscite; Irreparable; Homogeneous
21. 3 - Rendezvous
22. 1 - Corroborate
23. 2 - Foresight
24. 2 - Surreptitious
25. 1 - Sanctimonious

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answer from the choice given.
Note: answers are in italics form.

1) If you don’t spill the beans now, you might gonna regret it.
1. spread rumors
2. let out a secret
3. plant some seeds
4. none of the above

2) One proven way to beat an enemy is find his Achilles heel.
1. secret strategy
2. amulet
3. strong point
4. weak spot

3) His new Ferrari costs an arm and a leg so he is now looking for another job.
1. very expensive
2. got fired
3. met an accident
4. was stolen

4) He married a woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
1. born very beautiful
2. born very poor
3. born into a very rich family
4. born very talkative

5) She has different investments because she doesn’t want to put all eggs in one basket.
1. doesn’t want to put all resources in one possibility
2. doesn’t want to cook everything at once
3. doesn’t want to go bankrupt
4. none of the above

6) Hey, man, you are absolutely barking up the wrong tree here because I’m innocent.
1. choosing the wrong dog
2. giving up a fight
3. accusing the wrong person
4. setting up an event in a tree

7) Whenever his crush passes by the hallway, he’s having butterflies on his stomach.
1. he feels sick
2. he feels nervous
3. he feels like flying
4. he feels so handsome

8) Even though they had a nasty fight, they decided to bury the hatchet and move on.
1. kill the enemy
2. remember the past
3. bury the dead
4. forget the past quarrel

9) My father always reminds us, “don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.”
1. Don’t eat your eggs before they are cooked.
2. Don’t make plans for something that might not happen.
3. Don’t deal with your problems before they are solved.
4. All of the above.

10) Iphones became so popular not only to teens, even my grandparents jumped on the bandwagon and bought some.
1. ride on the gadget and sell Apple
2. jump for technology and sell iphones
3. joined the new trend and bought iphones
4. bought Android and Apple

11) "She is a vision of feminine pulchritude." stands for
1. aggressiveness
2. homebuddy
3. simplicity
4. beauty and poise

12) "I value a man for the size of his heart." can be interpreted as
1. size of heart determines the length of life
2. man's kindness is most important
3. man's love is measured by the size of his heart
4. man should use his mind over his heart

13) Veronica was excused because all she said were white lies.
1. the lie were really harmless
2. the lies recited were excusable
3. the lies were written to be read by all
4. telling a lie is deplorable

14) President Quezon said "I prefer a government ran like hell by Filipinos rather than one by foreigners," This means that
1. though difficult, Filipinos are preferred to lead
2. foreign leaders are better in governing
3. Filipinos are incapable of administering their own affairs
4. Filipinos can never lead their own government

15) George Shaw said, "You see things that are and you ask why. But I dream things that never were and ask why not." Such lines speaks of
1. clever thinking
2. immortality
3. curiosity
4. rich imagination

16) Mrs. Gonzales is as good as her last triumph.
1. cannot be good all throughout
2. cannot be bad
3. as nice as ever
4. sustainably superb

17) After all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a teapot.
1. temperature dropped
2. heated argument followed
3. simmered down
4. boiled down to nothing

18) Fast accomplishment can lull the official to complacency.
1. remain inactively satisfied
2. sleepy
3. tired
4. bored

19) Miguel does not need a new car, but he traded his old one to keep up with the Joneses.
1. to imitate others in extravagance
2. to be envious
3. to be responsible
4. to please others.

20) She wishes to meet somebody who is off the beaten track.
1. unbelievable
2. generous
3. at the lowest level
4. unconventional


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