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Once you've pass the Civil Service examination, then you are already eligible for government positions. Basically, you might want to apply for a government job post. However, you will need to apply in writing for most jobs. This usually means writing two articles about yourself, a letter of application and your resume.

This guide has been developed to provide you with information in preparing a letter of application. To read the guide on how to build a resume, visit:
How to Make a Resume

Written applications

Written applications, commonly, are a key part of an employer’s recruitment process. Employers, either from public or private sectors, use recruitment processes to select who they should interview for a job by assessing skills, qualities, experience and qualifications. Some employers will also use recruitment processes to identify writing skills if these are relevant to the job.

1. Before anything else, be sure to research about the employer and the position you are applying for. 2. Identify the skills, attributes, knowledge, experience and qualifications which will appeal to the employer.


Most of the employers are very busy, so the cover letter needs to be concise.

What to include

1. Customize your cover letter so it makes sense with respect to the employer and the job.
2. Highlight on what the employer wants to know, not what you want from them.
3. Convince the employer that you can do the job, that you’ll do a great job, you’ll fit in and be an asset to their organization.
4. State your contact details.
5. Make your letter to fit on a single page.

Organization and Structure

Explain the purpose of your letter in the opening paragraph. State the job title or position you are applying for.

In the next paragraph, show that you can do the job and you'll do it well. Summarize your qualifications, skills, abilities and experience. State what makes you the better option for the job.

Next, state that you are keen to work for the company and why. Try to give some information about what type of person you are. Keep in mind what you know about the employer. Mention your personal qualities which you think they are looking for.

Before finishing, thank them for taking the time to review your application. Also mention any attachments including your resume and any work examples.

Header: Begin with both you and the employer's contact information (name, address, phone number, email) followed by the date.

Salutation: Write the name of the person you are writing for, i.e., "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name." If you do not know the employer's last name, simply write, "Dear Sir/Madam."

Introduction: State what job you are applying for. Explain where you heard about the job, particularly if you heard about it from a contact associated with the company.

Body: Explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Summarize your strengths and any particular qualifications or experience which are relevant to the post.

Closing: Finally, explain in what manners you can contribute to the company and help it become successful. Thank the employer for his/her consideration.

Signature: End appropriately, with your signature (handwritten) then your typed name underneath.

Final check: Proof and Edit

Check your application before sending it. If possible, ask someone else to check it for mistakes. Ensure that you entered the correct information.

You should also complete the following check:

1) Send one copy only, or the exact number(s) required. Employers are very busy and will not want excessive and unnecessary information.
2) Do not include your original documents. If the employer has requested copies of certificates and other formal documents, only send copies. You can show them the originals at your interview, if required.
3) Your application should be professionally presented as employers pride themselves on their professionalism. They are looking at your application to ensure that you share their values. For example:
     a) Type your application, unless they require a handwritten one. Use a standard office paper.
     b) Use the standard font, nothing too fancy.
     c) Avoid any correction, make sure it is neat and legible.
     d) Make sure there is no fold on your application letter.

4) Tailor your application to the job you are applying for.  If you are applying for a creative industry job, it might be appropriate to show your creativity.  For most jobs, concentrate on making the application clear, simple and to the point.
5) Number the pages in the application;
6) As much as possible try to send it in person, if using postal services, make sure you send it in plenty of time.

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