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Majorship LET Reviewer

LET Reviewer for Biological Science
LET Reviewer for Biological Science

1. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by Linnaeus in 1700s. It refers to the giving of two names to an organism composed of the genus and species name. What is the correct way of writing the scientific name of sunflower?
a. helianthus anuus
b. Helianthus anuus
c. helianthus Anuus
d. Helianthus Anuus

2. If humans and gorillas belong to the same class, then, they must also belong to the same:
a. Phylum
b. Family
c. Genus
d. Order

3. The middle of 1700s is marked by a number of contributions in the field of Biology. Who was the famous Swedish taxonomist who classified living organisms into two kingdoms, the plant and animal kingdoms?
a. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
b. Lazzaro Spallanzani
c. Carolus Linnaeus
c. Joseph Priestley

4. At the sea floor of the Marianas trench, a marine biologist was able to dredge an unknown animal species. Which among the following characteristics should he consider?
a. Colonial
b. Unicellular
c. Heterotrophic
d. Presence of cell walls

5. Which of the following refers to a pair of contrasting character trait that could be used in constructing a dichotomous key regarding fish tail?
a. Big tail and red tail
b. Short tail and long tail
c. Round tail and blue tail
d. Thin tail and elongate tail

6. Three amateur fossil hunters, John, Peter and Sam were able to unearth a complete fossil of a mammal. How could they determine whether it was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
a. Presence of claws
b. Size of the lower jaw
c. Type of teeth present
d. Number of phalanges

7. In the cell, metabolic reactions that result from the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler compounds coupled with the release of energy is called as
a. anabolism
b. hydrolysis
c. catabolism
d. synthesis

8. Reproduction comes in two types, sexual and asexual. When the offspring inherits all its chromosomes from a single parent (genetically identical), the type of reproduction is asexual. Which of the following asexual type of reproduction is common among hydrozoans like Hydra?
a. Fission
b. Budding
c. Conjugation
d. Fragmentation

9. Animals show different types of behavior in order to adapt to a certain condition. In some it could be through a conditioned stimulus. Which type of behavior involves subjecting the organism to repeated stimulation, and if stimulus is harmful it may no longer respond to it?
a. Conditioned reflex
b. Trial and error
c. Habituation
d. Imprinting

10. All of the following are unifying themes in Biology except
a. evolution
b. cellular organization
c. molecular inheritance
d. integumentary system

11. Atom A shared 2 electrons with Atom B. What bond exists between the two?
a. Ionic
b. Peptide
c. Covalent
d. Hydrogen

12. There are four electrons in the outermost energy level of carbon atom. To achieve stability, how many hydrogen (1 in the outermost energy level) atoms must it be covalently bonded to?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

13. Which is a base?
a. Stomach antacids
b. Lemon juice
c. Rain water
d. Vitamin C

14. Which principle causes two atoms to attract in ionic bond?
a. Opposite charges attract
b. Removal of proton attracts electron
c. Lesser orbital attracts the energy of greater ones
d. Atoms must achieve 8 electrons in the outermost energy level

15. What is the difference of glycogen and cellulose?
a. Glycogen is composed of glucose un its while cellulose is made up of galactose
b. Glycogen is usually found in plants while cellulose is found in lower animals
c. Glycogen polymer is straight while cellulose is highly branched
d. Glycogen is for storage while cellulose is for protection

16. Which of the following characteristics is common to prokaryote and eukaryote?
a. Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the plasma membrane
b. The cilia and flagella have a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubule
c. Plasma membrane is composed of phospholipid bilayer
d. Nucleus is the center of cellular activities

17. Which organelle releases oxygen?
a. Golgi apparatus
b. Mitochondrion
c. Chloroplast
d. Ribosome

18. The human skin has a layer of actively dividing cells. If a particular skin cell undergoes mitosis, what is the chromosome number and DNA number of the daughter cells?
a. n and n
b. n and 2n
c. 2n and n
d. 2n and 2n

19. Why do vendors sprinkle water on fruits and vegetables that they sell during warm days?
a. It adds mineral to fruits and vegetables
b. It removes pesticides from fruits and vegetables
c. It prevents minerals from escaping from fruits and vegetables
d. It replaces water lost by the cells of fruits and vegetables to the surrounding

20. What happens if mitosis does NOT stop?
a. Cancer
b. Anemia
c. Sore eyes
d. Tonsillitis

21. Mendel’s Law apply to every statement below except
a. There is random sorting of alleles into ova and sperm
b. Many traits are determined by a pair of hereditary units
c. Each formed gamete receives one of the paired alleles
d. Alleles at loci on the same chromosome may segregate together

22. In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in which 16 percent of the people have genotypes AA, Assuming the A and a are the only alleles possible, How many percent does the genotype aa have?
a. 16
b. 48
c. 36
d. 24

23. Which of the following would be seen if the gene for squash color exhibited incomplete dominance?
a. All of the offspring would exhibit the phenotype of the dominant parent
b. All of the offspring would exhibit the phenotype of the recessive parent.
c. The offspring produced would not express the gene and would be white.
d. Some of the offspring would exhibit a phenotype intermediate to that of the parents

24. A man and woman who both have Bb genotypes at a locus will produce what proportion of bb children?
a. 100
b. 75
c. 50
d. 25

25. In protein synthesis, which sequence of bases in transfer RNA will pair with the sequence 3’ GGU 5’found in messenger RNA
a. 5’ CCA 3’
b. 3’ CCA 5’
c. 5’AAC 3’
d. 3’UUA 5’

26. Refer to the data obtained from the survey of the number of Dengue cases from 2000-2008 in Jose M. Reyes Hospital.

What appropriate graph can be used for the data?
a. Pie graph
b. Line graph
c. Pictograph
d. Scatter plot diagram

27. What is the value of the mode when all values in the data set are different?
a. Highest number
b. Lowest number
c. There is no mode
d. Number at the middle

28. Which is NOT a property of the standard normal distribution?
a. uniform
b. unimodal
c. bell-shaped
d. unimodal and symmetric about the mean

29. Data that can be classified according to color are measured on what scale?
a. Ratio
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Nominal

30. An investigator collects diastolic blood pressure levels on a group of patients. He divides his scale of measurement into intervals of 5 mm Hg (i.e., 70-74 mm Hg, 75-79 mm Hg, 80-84 mm Hg, etc.). The investigator counts the number patients diastolic blood pressures in each interval. If the investigator were to plot the frequency of blood pressure levels in each interval, he would probably choose
a. scatter diagram
b. bar graph
c. histogram
d. pie graph

31. Which of the following is considered as the greatest contribution of the middle ages to the study of science?
a. Rhases
b. Anchors
c. Pantheon
d. Universities

32. Which of the following best describes the science during the ancient times?
a. fall of the Roman empire
b. rebirth of scientific studies
c. decline of scientific studies and discoveries
d. birth of city-state civilizations near the river or a body of water

33. The main goal of the ancient science is “the understanding of nature not changing of nature”. Where does this belong to?
a. Babylonians
b. Egyptians
c. Romans
d. Greeks

34. During the Egyptian times, the decimal system was developed. What nature of science can be associated in this event?
a. Science is quantitative
b. Science demand evidences
c. Scientific knowledge is durable
d. Science is blend of logic and imagination

35. The 21st century science is more popularly known as
a. Nuclear Age
b. Computer age
c. Age of Scientific Revolution
d. Age of Information Technology

36. Where are the genetic materials of bacteria found?
a. Nucleoid region
b. Ribosomes
c. Nucleus
d. Capsule

37. Which does NOT belong to the group in the classification of bacteria?
a. Tetrad
b. Coccus
c. Bacillus
d. Sarcinae

38. Nitrogen fixation is used to trap nitrogen gas from the atmosphere. It is important in the nitrogen cycle. Which is NOT used in nitrogen fixation?
a. Azotobacter
b. Salmonella
c. Rhizobium
d. Anabaena

39. A teacher will show the different integuments of animals to his students. Which will be the best visual aid?
a. Microtechniques
b. Herbarium
c. Taxidermy
d. Aquarium

40. A student will observe pollen grains under the microscope. Which method should be used?
a. Smear
b. Squash
c. Teasing
d. Grinding

41. A press, a material made of two (2) plywoods will be used by a biology student. Where will he use this?
a. Aquarium
b. Herbarium
c. Taxidermy
d. Microtechniques

42. In the hay infusion, what is the importance of grass?
a. Food for microbe
b. Increase turbidity of water
c. Provides oxygen for the protist
d. Regulate temperature of the infusion

43. Why are archaebacteria called extremophiles? They can
a. be classified in many ways
b. survive in the absence food
c. can be very small organism
d. live in harsh condition

44. A drug was taken in by a mouse in an experiment. It was found out that newly formed virus stayed inside the host cell. In which stage of viral multiplication is the drug acting on?
a. Release
b. Assembly
c. Penetration
a. Attachment

45. Which tool is most accurate cutting tool in slide preparation?
a. Blade
b. Incubator
c. Microtome
d. Thermometer

46. Which of the choices below show the correct sequence of levels of organization of the human body
a. Atom, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
b. Tissue, atom, cell, organ, organ system, organism
c. Organ, organ system, organism, tissue, atom, cell
d. Organism, cell, organ system, atom, tissue, organism

47. The sequence of events happen in urine formation
a. Secretionfiltrationreabsorption
b. Filtrationsecretionreabsorption
c. Reabsorptionsecretionfiltration
d. Filtrationreabsorptionsecretion

48. The blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs are the
a. Pulmonary arteries
b. Coronary arteries
c. Pulmonary veins
d. Coronary veins

49. Reena is a 68- year old postmenopausal woman. She always complains of backache every time she does household chores. She was advised by her doctor to take calcium supplements everyday. A bone disorder that might have led to her condition is
a. Rickets
b. Scoliosis
c. Osteoporosis
d. Osteomalacia

50. A 15-year old male high school student engaged in a drinking spree. After consuming four bottles of beer he felt dizzy and could not balance well while walking. The part of the brain that is most likely affected is the
a. Pons
b. Thalamus
c. Brainstem
d. Cerebellum

51. Food of 10 energy units was taken by an animal in a forest. Which is the possible end of the food?
a. 2 energy units for storage and 8 energy units for metabolic activity
b. 3 energy units for storage and 6 energy units for metabolic activity
c. 4 energy units for storage and 4 energy units for metabolic activity
d. 5 energy units for storage and 2 energy units for metabolic activity

52. Which situation will lose or acquire heat by radiation?
a. Swimming in cold waters
b. Hiding in a tree shade
c. Lying on hot rock
a. Sun bathing

53. Which shows entropy?
a. Polar caps melting
b. Plant propagation in forests
c. Maintenance of body temperature
d. Usage of food for organism’s survival

54. An input was given to a system. At the moment of measurement, there was no output. What is the description of the system?
a. Open
b. Close
c. Open and close
d. Can not be determined

55. Lizard 1 has a ventral area of 2 cm2 in contact with the soil. Lizard 2 has a ventral area of 3 cm2 in contact with the soil. Both lizards stayed one (1) minute in contact with the soil. Which will lose heat by conduction at a faster rate?
a. Lizard 1, because of smaller surface area
b. Lizard 1, because time is the same
c. Lizard 2, because of larger surface area
d. Lizard 2, because time is the same

56. What factor in a tropical rainforest would the understorey trees and shrubs be most deprived of?
a. Soil
b. Salts
c. Light
d. Water

57. What kind of relationship exists between coral polyps and the zooxanthellae (protists) living in their gut?
a. Commensalism
b. Competition
c. Mutualism
d. Parasitism

58. Why do producers occupy the base of an energy pyramid?
a. Their biomass is greatest
b. They are greatest in number
c. There is the presence of roots
d. They have the ability to produce own food

59. What will happen to the population of organisms of the third trophic level if the second trophic level is eliminated?
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Increase then decrease
d. Decrease then increase

60. Which feature is true for deserts?
a. always dry
b. always hot and dry
c. always hot, but wet
d. always hot
e. and windy

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