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LET Reviewer in General Education

LET Reviewer for General Education
LET Reviewer for General Education

1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party.
a. Except for you and I, everyone brought
b. With exception of you and I, everyone brought
c. Except for you and I, everyone had brought
d. Except for you and me, everyone brought

2. The reason I came late to office today is because the car broke down.
a. I came late to office today is because
b. why I came late to office today is because
c. I was late to office today because
d. I came late to office is that

3. When the war is over, no nation will either be isolated in war or peace.
a. either be isolated in war or peace
b. be either isolated in war or peace
c. be isolated in neither war or peace
d. be isolated either in war or in peace

4. The supermarket owner hadn’t hardly any of those kind of canned goods
a. hadn’t hardly any of those kind
b. hadn’t hardly any of those kinds
c. had hardly any of those kind
d. had hardly any of those kinds

5. Irregardless of the outcome of the competition, our schools will remain staunchly allies.
a. Irregardless of the outcome
b. Regardless of how the outcome
c. With regards to the outcome
d. Regardless of the outcome

6. She was told to give the award to whomever she thought had contributed most for the welfare of the student organization.
a. to whomever she thought
b. whoever she thought
c. to the senior whom she thought
d. to whomsoever

7. Senator Josef is one of the legislators who are going to discuss the budget in the Upper Chamber.
a. of the legislators who are going
b. one of the legislators who is going
c. one of the legislators who has gone
d. the legislator who is going

8. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature.
a. She not only was competent but also friendly
b. She not was only competent but friendly also
c. not only was competent but friendly also
d. She was not only competent but also friendly

9. Most student like to read these kind of books during their break time.
a. these kind of books
b. these kind of book
c. this kind of book
d. this kinds of book

10. It is not for you to assume responsibility, it is, rather, me who is the guilty person in this matter.
a. me who is
b. I who is
c. me who am
d. I who am

11. The “Aurora Borealis” or Northern Lights, is so named because it is a light display that takes place in the northern skies.
a. because it is a light display that takes place
b. as a light display taking place
c. because of taking place
d. due to the fact that it is a light display

12. The giving of foreign aid is a tool of national policy, the hoped- for return is often indirect and long- term.
a. policy, the hoped- for return is often indirect and long- term
b. policy, however the hoped- for return is often indirect and long- term
c. policy, though the hoped- for return is often indirect and long- term
d. policy, albeit the hoped- for return is often indirect and long- term

13. The difference between the candidates is that one is radical, the other conservative.
a. one is radical; the other, conservative
b. one is radical, the other being conservative
c. while one is radical; the other, conservative
d. one is radical; the other, is conservative

14. Many middle class individuals find that they cannot obtain good medical attention, despite they need it badly.
a. despite they need it badly
b. despite their bad need of it
c. in spite of they need it badly
d. however, much they need it

15. If I would have known about the traffic jam in the area, I would have taken an alternate route.
a. If I would have known about
b. If I would of known about
c. If I would of known about
d. Had I known about

16. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency and happiness.
a. Using it wisely
b. If it used wisely
c. Having used it wisely
d. Because it is used wisely

17. Neither the earthquake or the subsequent fire was able to destroy the spirit of the populace.
a. or the subsequent fire was
b. nor the subsequent fire were
c. Or the subsequent fire were
d. Nor the subsequent fire was

18. Of the two candidates for this government position, Jose Maria is the most qualified because of his experience in the field.
a. most qualified because
b. most qualified due to
c. More qualified due
d. More qualified because of

19. He has not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment.
a. not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment
b. violated not only the law, but also he has escaped punishment
c. violated not only the law, but he has escaped punishment also
d. not only violated the law, but also escaped punishment

20. She seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts.
a. seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts
b. seldom ever wants to try and face the facts
c. seldom wants to try and face the facts
d. seldom wants to try to face the facts

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