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Majorship LET Reviewer

MAPEH LET Reviewer
MAPEH LET Reviewer

1. Mr. Rioflorido instructed his students to do the kumintang. What will be the correct movement execution of his students in doing the kumintang?
A. The students will move their hand from the wrist in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
B. The students will move their hand from the elbow in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
C. The students will move their hand from the shoulder in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
D. The students will move their hand from the upper extremities in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

2. The class of Mr. Cruz is dancing the Polkabal. One of the basic steps in the dance is the contraganza. If Mr. Cruz will demonstrate the step pattern of the dance step, which of the following will show the correct movement pattern?
A. Cross-step, close, step
B. Leap, cross-step, step
C. Slide, cut, cut
D. step, close, step

3. The music is in 4/4 time signature and the step pattern used is step R sideward, close L to R, step R sideward, hop on R, swing the L foot in front. What foreign dance step is being described?
A. Rheilander
B. Varsouvienne
C. Minuet
D. Prysiadka

4. Of the following patterns of movements, the one that best describes the mazurka step is
A. hop, cut, and slide
B. hop, slide, close
C. slide, slide, hop
D. slide, cut, hop

5. Each of the following pairs of folk dance steps can be performed in combination except the
A. waltz balance and paso español
B. waltz and redoba
C. polka and mazurka
D. cross waltz and step, swing, hop

6. Common among rural or countryside dances are the use of implements in their dance. They offer the glass of wine, a hanky, a hat, or even their own hands to somebody as a sign of invitation or love. This characterize to a dance term means
A. salok
B. sarok
C. hapay
D. bilao

7. King June Four is demonstrating the movement of hayon-hayon. Which of the following is the correct movement pattern that King June Four will show?
A. He will place his one forearm in front and the other at the back of his waist.
B. He will cross his arms in front and open it to second position.
C. He will place both his arms at one side.
D. He will scoop his one arm up to fifth position.

8. Mark Christian is instructed by his PE teacher to turn to the girl at his left and takes her L hand in his L hand and turns her once around counterclockwise, then both falling back to places. The movement performed by Mark Christian is called?
A. Allemande Left
B. Allemande Right
C. Buzz Step
D. Elbow swing

9. Three small steps forward on the balls of the feet, point L (R) infront and bring heel of the R down is the step pattern of
A. Prysiadka Step
B. Minuet Step
C. Rubber Legs
D. Dutch Step

10. An Ibanag dance term wherein the dancers turn their hands from the wrist halfway clockwise then raise and lower wrist once or twice.
A. bilao
B. hapay
C. masiwak
D. kumintang

11. This dance term is executed by swinging the arm downward passing infront of the body as if scooping with the trunk bending forward following the movement of the arm.
A. salok
B. swing
C. hayon-hayon
D. sarok

12. Two people walk toward each other, pass by right shoulder, step sideward to the right and return to position walking backward, passing left shoulder.
A. cross over
B. do-si-do
C. counterclockwise
D. clockwise

13. Which of the following dance steps has eight measures?
A. sagamantica
B. chotis
C. bacui
D. haplik

14. Which of the following is a visayan dance term?
A. Sarok
B. Jaleo
C. Salok
D. Bilao

15. It is called the unit of formation
A. set
B. costados
C. home position
D. cabeceras

16. Romeo is instructed by his PE teacher to do the habanera step. The step pattern that he will use is step, close, step and the counting to follow is
A. 1 2
B. 1 and 2
C. 1 2 and
D. 1 2 3

17. Gelo is performing a sway balance with a waltz in his dance class. The counting that he will use when doing the sway balance with a waltz is
A. 1,2 3/ 1 2 3
B. 1,2 3/ 1 2,3
C. 1,2 3/ 1,2 3
D. 1,2 3/ 1,2,3

18. Mr. Perez asked his students to do a combination of the following dance steps; change step, heel and toe change step, polka, heel and toe polka. He advises his students to get a folk dance music to accompany the combinations. What time signature the students will look for?
A. 2/4 time music
B. ¾ time music
C. 4/4 time music
D. 6/8 time music

19. Sway balance, waltz, mazurka and kuradang are found in many Philippine folk dances. What time signature is used in all these steps?
A. 2/4 time
B. ¾ time
C. 4/4 time
D. 6/8 time

20. What is the rhythm pattern of schottische?
A. uneven
B. even
C. broken
D. syncopated

21. Which of the following folk dances can be performed in 3 4 time music?
2-Pandanggo sa ilaw
3-Polka sa Nayon
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 only
c. 2 only
d. 3 and 4

22. Which steps have the same time signature?
a. polka and redoba
b. change step and waltz balance
c. pas de basque and hopsa
d. d. mazurka and minuet

23. Of the following folk dances, which has a combined rhythm?
a. Alitaptap
b. Maglalatik
c. Abaruray
d. Los Bailes de Ayer

24. You are teaching your class to dance the Arkadsky, an energetic and vigorous Russian dance for boys. The basic dance step that you will teach to your class is the Russian Polka with the step pattern of heel-brush, heel-step close, step and the correct counting to accompany the step is
A. and 1 and 2
B. 1 and 2 and
C. 1 and 2
D. ah 1 and ah 2

25. A work-dance of Kalinga women where they carry baskets on their heads.
A. Ragragsakan
B. Idudu
C. Bumayah
D. Bendian

26. One of the following associations is incorrect
A. Mangyan dances of Nueva Viscaya
B. Tausug dances of Mindanao
C. Cordillera dances of Luzon
D. Ibanag dances of Cagayan

27. It is a samal dance class of noble women which show off women’s dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows and wrist joints.
A. Janggay
B. Sua-Sua
C. Maglanka
D. Kandingan

28. The national dance of the Philippines
A. Cariñosa
B. Singkil
C. Rigodon
D. Tinikling

29. This is a dance among the Maranaos which displays the women’s simplicity and elegant walk with the use of beautifully decorated umbrellas.
A. Kinakulangan
B. Kapamalong
C. Pag-aper
D. Sagayan

30.Palawan’s famous ceremonial rite of healing the sick, imploring and thanksgiving for a good and bountiful harvest.
A. Sohten
B. Blit-Blaan
C. Binaylan
D. Pagdidiwata

31. A quadrille dance from Tayabas, Quezon performed by old folks during the early days.
A. Lanceros de Tayabas
B. Pasakat
C. Rigodon
D. Birginia

32. A dance performed after the Lutrina, a religious procession.
A. Balse Marikina
B. Valse Vieja
C. Sayaw Sta. Isabel
D. Valse Ybanag

33. Which of the following folk dances are classified as ceremonial dances?
a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 3 only
d. 4 only

34. A humorous dance of Holland depicting how the boy teasingly ask a bite from an apple.
A. Dutch Couple Dance
B. Kalvelis
C. Oyda
D. Barbary Bell

35. Which of the following association is correct?
A. Csebogar – Hungary
B. Barbary Bell - Denmark
C. Highland Fling – Sweden
D. Danish Dance of Greetings - Germany

36. A dance which means “little coackroach”.
A. Varsouvienne
B. Oyda
C. Tarantela
D. Putjenter

37. Which dance is known as the supreme dance of the 18th century ?
A. Minuet
B. Country dance
C. Cotillon
D. Waltz

38. It is a court dance which means “ the little smith”. The clapping of the hands suggest the hammer and anvil of the blacksmith.
A. kalvelis
B. tarantella
C. oyda
D. minuet

1. Primitive developed ritual dance actions for every event in his life and in every community’s life. This primitive dance imitates the thunder by beating the drums, and pointing to the heavens while dancers carry jointed sticks to portray lightning.
a. Abstract dance
b. Funeral dance
c. Rain dance
d. Weaving dance

2. Bharata Natyam is the oldest dance in the world, originally performed in the temples of India. It combines rhythmically complicated dancing with Hindu legends told in song and pantomime. Like other Indian dance forms, this temple dance uses hand gestures that have recognized meanings that often stand for animals, plants, or feelings. This hand gestures are called ______.
a. Natya
b. Mudras
c. Nritya
d. Nritta

3. One of the rare indications about the earliest and unique dance has to do with the use of a long sleeve known as “water sleeve” as a technical and expressive side of the dance and appears to be part of shamanistic worship. Sleeve dancing was widespread in ______.
a. China
b. Burma
c. Korea
d. Indonesia

4. This term also known as Mill or Wheel Right and Left.
a. Allemande Right and left
b. Star Right and Left
c. Grand Right and Left
d. Cadena

5. Break Legs is executed in a 24 time music and the counting is –
a. 1 and 2 and
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 2
d. 1 2 and

6. Which of the following dance step is inherent in the dance ARKADSKY?
a. Hopsa
b. Prysiadka
c. Mazurka
d. Rubber Legs

7. If you are to execute two (2) Varsouvienne steps moving forward, how many measure will it take to complete the execution?
a. 1 measure
b. 2 measures
c. 3 measures
d. 4 measures

8. A Lithuanian occupational dance which means “little smith” where the clapping of the hands suggest the hammer and the anvil of the blacksmith.
a. Kalvelis
b. Horra Arabi
c. Oyda
d. Highland Fling

9. Half-foot circle in the air with the L ( R) footand leap sideward (ct. 1), slide R (L),slide R (L) to fourth position (ct. 2), cut R (L) forward with the L ( R ) foot (ct. 3). This is the step pattern for –
a. Varsouvienne step
b. Pas de Basque step
c. Rheinlander step
d. Hopsa step

10. The couple’s original position in a set.
a. Corner position
b. Opposite position
c. Home position
d. Costado

11. The European folk dances contain memories and references to religious or magical dances. These dances are traces of the ancient worship of the sun .
a. Maypole dances
b. Bonfire dances
c. Ring dances
d. Sword dances

12. The dance Samba is innately –
a. an Argentinian dance
b. a Spanish dance
c. a Cuban dance
d. a Brazilian dance

13. It is an affection term used in Mexico for wives.
a. Costilla
b. Baile
c. Jarabe tapatio
d. Zapateado

14. When the free foot is place toward the supporting foot, by pressing the toes against the floor as the close is made., with or without transfer of weight, the term is called –
a. Draw
b. Point
c. Tap
d. Cross

15. Which of the following dances originated in Hungary?
a. Puttjenter
b. Rheinlander For Three
c. Cshebogar
d. Tropanka

16. What makes Russian polka distinct from other polkas?
a. There is the hop on count and of the previous measure.
b. There is an inward foot circle on the air and a hop on count and of the previous measure.
c. There is the heel brushing first on count and of the previous measure before putting weight on it.
d. There is the heel-place in front and a toe touch in rear.

17. In the 14th century, Carole which involved song and simple dance steps was the perpetuation of the most ancient of the social dance forms. In its linked form in single file, it evolved into –
a. Farandole
b. Estampie
c. Branle
b. Basse Danse

18. Important and significant adaptations from folk elements were the Contredanses, the linguistic adaptation of the English – country dances. Later on, it was transformed into French contredanses. The dance figures were grouped into a general title which was in vogue in the 18th century. Its name was derived from the French cotte, which was a short petticoat worn by peasants. This was –
a. Quadrille
b. Waltz
c. Cotillion
d. Polka

19. The dance that provided a release from wartime pressures.
a. Jitterbugging
b. Boogie-Woogieing
c. Discoing
d. Break dancing

20. This dance was possibly the simplest dance ever introduced into the ballroom.
a. Mazurka
b. Virginia Reel
c. Galop
d. Schottische

21. John Philip Sousa, the King of March produced many popular marches. This dance was basically a marching step with interpolated skips became popular.
a. One-step
b. Boston Two-step
c. Twist
d. Mambo

22. The basic technique of this so-called “a new form of sexual display typified by the gigolo image of the sultry Southern male was accepted by the public in 1930.
a. Rumba
b. Samba
c. Barn dance
d. Rock n’ Roll

23. The timing effect “SlowSlowQuickQuickSlow “ can be dance counted as-
a. 1 and, 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 2 and, 3, 4
c. 1, 2, 3 and, 4
d. 1, 2 and, 3, 4 and

24. Ballroom tango originated among the lower classes in Buenos Aires, Argentina during the 19th century. What do you call the resulting dance when the original rhythm of the Tango was substituted to habanera rhythm to produce a more dreamy effect.
a. Candombe
b. Milonga
c. Contradanza
d. Baile con Corte

25. One of the most spirited pioneers of modern dance who did not permit scenery onstage which might draw attention from her dancing, ignored the formal, set movements of ballet.
a. Ruth St. Dennis
b. Doris Humphrey
c. Isadora Duncan
d. Martha Graham

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