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Majorship LET Reviewer

MAPEH LET Reviewer
MAPEH LET Reviewer

1. A student’s health screening should administered prior to
A. any physical activity by the student at your facility.
B. any contact with the student.
C. fitness assessment or programming.
D. the initial “walk-through” showing of a facility.

2. Which of the following is a strategy to improve the accuracy of a fitness assessment?
A. Ensure appropriate pretest preparation of the student.
B. Ensure physician supervision of all assessments.
C. Use checklists of pretest procedures.
D. Use only certified staff.

3. When performing multiple assessments of health related fitness in a single session, resting measurements should be allowed in order by
A. body composition, flexibility, muscular fitness, cardiorespiratory fitness.
B. cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular fitness, body composition.
C. Cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, flexibility
D. body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility.

4. Flexibility is a measure of the
A. disease-free range of motion about a joint.
B. pain-free range of motion about a joint.
C. habitually used range of motion about a joint.
D. Effort-free range of motion about a joint.

5. In order to maximize safety during a fitness assessment, the room layout should address which of the following issues?
A. The equipment and floor space should be arranged to allow safe exit from the facility in an emergency situation and to prevent accidental upsetting of equipment.
B. The equipment and floor space should be arranged so that although exits are clearly marked, it is not essential for students to be near the exit, and equipment can be moved from in front of exits in an emergency.
C. The equipment and floor space should be arranged to allow students the opportunity to move equipment away from exits should an emergency develop.
D. Annual drills announced early in the year allow the staff to properly prepare for any type of emergency.

6. Body composition is determined by which of the following formulae?
A. Total weight – fat weight
B. Total weight – fat-free weight
C. Fat-free mass + fat mass
D. Fat weight + fat free weight

7. Physical Fitness battery test are conducted at the start of each year. What is the purpose of these tests?
A. To comply with content requirements.
B. To choose elite athletes.
C. To give grade for fitness assessment.
D. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of student.

8. The best predictor of one’s cardiorespiratory fitness is
A. the mile run
B. 200 yard run
C. 50 yard dash
D. 400 meter run

9. Which of the following fitness tests measure the strength of the abdominal muscles?
A. Sit-ups
B. Flexed Arm Hang
C. Sit and Reach
D. Shuttle Run

10. Which among these Physical Fitness Tests measure flexibility?
A. Chair push-up
B. Sit and Reach
C. Standing Long Jump
D. Flexed Arm Hang

11. About certain exercises:
A. forward bending should occur from the waist.
B. sit-ups should be done with leg straight.
C. when stretching, hyperextend the knees.
D. bouncing stretches are the best.

11. The American College of Sports Medicine recommendation for intensity, duration, and frequency of physical activity for apparently healthy individuals includes
A. intensity of 60% to 90%  maximal heart rat, duration of 20 to 60 minutes, frequency of 3 to 5 days a week.
B. Intensity of 85% to 90% maximal heart rate, duration of 30 minutes, frequency of 3 days to 5 days a week.
C. Intensity of 50% to 70% maximal heart rate, duration of 15 to 45 minutes, frequency of 5 days a week.
D. Intensity of 60% to 90% maximal heart rate reserve, duration of 20 to 60 minutes, frequency of 7 days a week

12. A method of strength and power training that involves an eccentric loading of muscles and tendons followed immediately by an explosive concentric contraction is called
A. periodization
B. ployemetrics
C. super-sets
D. isotonic reversals

13. Which of the following exercise modes allows buoyancy to reduce the potential for musculoskeletal  injury and even allow injured person an opportunity to exercise without further injury?
A. Skiing
B. Walking
C. Water Exercise
D. Cycling

14. Which of the following activities provides for the greatest improvement in aerobic fitness for someone who is beginning an exercise program?
A. Dieting  
B. Downhill Skiing
C. Walking
D. Weight Training

15. Exercises to prepare the body for a strenuous workout
A. Warm-up
B. Peak aerobics
C. Cool-down
D. Isotonic exercise

16. Which of the following is a true statement about physical exercise?
A. Physical exercise usually involves repetitive movements.
B. Physical exercise includes only movement that results in expenditure of energy.
C. Physical exercise requires at least 10 minutes at an activity.
D. Physical exercise produces muscle stress, which leads to muscle growth.

17. Weight training programs which emphasize building muscular endurance should include
A. many repetitions with a low to moderate weight load.
B. only isokinetic exercises.
C. few repetitions with a heavy weight load.
D. only exercises exceeding 10 minutes.

18. The primary difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise is
A. demand on muscle tissue
B.  oxygen consumption.
C. fatigue factor.
D. overload.

19. This principle states that the specific type of exercise you do determines the specific benefit you receive.
A. Principle of Specificity
B. Principle of Progression
C. Principle of Overload
D. Principle of Reversibility

20. Apparatus activity, stunts, and tumbling are most closely associated with
A. body management attainment
B. higher skill attainment
C. specialized skills
D. fundamental skills

21. Which of the following is not a standing position in gymnastics?
A. feet together
B. full knees bend
C. half knee bend
D. hurdle position

22. Stunts that test the ability of the performer to fight with other
A. combative stunts
B. individual stunts
C. dual stunts
D. group stunts

23. Which is not a skill in manipulating the ball in rhythmic gymnastics?
a. throwing and catching
b. tapping in different planes
c. balancing the ball on different parts of the body
d. bouncing in different surfaces

24. It is a gymnastic position where the head and knees are held in contact from curved trunk.
A. Tuck
B. Pike
C. Hook
D. Stride

25. It is a gymnastic position or shape when the body and legs are extended upward while the head, shoulder and the bent elbow supports the extended body.
A. Shoulder stand
B. Handstand
C. Headstand
D. Stride Stand

26. Chinese get-up, Wheelbarrow, Wring the dishcloth are stunts that help develop body coordination among children. These stunts are categorized as
A. Dual stunt
B. Individual Stunt
C. Acrobatics
D. Group Stunts

27. It is a gymnastic position or shape where one leg is extended forward while the other leg is extended backward with or without hand support on the floor
A. Split
B. Front Scale
C. Knee Scale
D. Bridge Stand

28. What is the most essential factor when participating in gymnastics?
A. precision
B. safety
C. confidence
D. power

29. Which of the following tumbling skills dominantly used in any apparatus events for both men and women?
A. Handstand
B. Backward Roll
C. Forward Roll
D. Cartwheel

30. It is the preparatory position in backward roll where the feet are held together with knees straight and trunk bent forward towards the legs
A. Squat
B. Pike
C. Tuck
D. Straddle

31. Which gymnastic move uses a tripod?
A. forward roll
B. handstand
C. headstand
D. backward roll

32. Which phrase in this descriptive statement is incorrect? When coming out of a straddle forward roll, the performer should reach forward  with the body from the hips, place the hands close to the crotch, shoulders far out in front of the body, head tucked close to the chest, arms straight and in line with the shoulders.
a. head tucked close to the chest
b. reach forward with the body from the hips
c. place the hands close to the crotch
d. shoulders far out in front of the body.

33. Which lead-up move should a beginning tumbler must execute before attempting for a dive forward roll?
A. backward roll
B. forward roll
C. shoulder roll
D. wrestle’s bridge

34. Where should be the head be placed in a forward roll?
a. with chin tucked to chest and head on mat
b. with the forehand on the mat
c. outside the hands
d. facedown on the mat

35. Choose two factors that are most crucial in executing a headstand

A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4

36. In which position should the knees be kept during execution of the backward roll in a tuck position?
A. pike position
B. jackknife position
C. arch position
D. close to the chest

37. Which of the following will likely show the correct rhythm of a cartwheel?
A. hand, hand, foot, foot
B. foot, foot, hand, hand
C. hand, foot, hand, foot
D. foot, hand, foot, hand

38. Your student in your gymnastic class is having a difficulty with a handstand. What exercise might help?
a. wall push-ups
b. duck waddle
C. crab walk
D. elephant walk

39. Which move is a lead-up to the standing backward roll
A. Handstand
B. cartwheel
C. back extension
D. backward roll from squat

40. What contributes most to produce good balance in a headstand?
A. a broad base of support
B. the elbows bent at a 90% angle
C. the toes pointed
D. the head in the same line with the hands

41. How long should an exerciser wait after eating a meal before working out?
A. 2 hours
B. 30 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. no wait necessary

42. The recommended way to increase flexibility is  a safe manner is through a carefully planned activity. Which among the exercises is the safest?
A. ballistic stretching
B. rapid stretching
C. static stretching
D. bouncing

43. The recommended solution to decrease body fats include
1. diet
2. increase physical activity
3. medical guidance

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 1, 2, and 3

44. Progressive resistance is applied when the muscles becomes stronger as they work against a corresponding grater resistance. Which of the following approaches does not contribute to this method of increasing strength?
A. daily and simple exercises
B. heavy resistance exercises using weight training
C. specific exercises against body weight as in pull-ups
D. vigorous athletic performance

45. Interval training is one of the most effective training approaches in the preparation of athletes. Which of the practices contributes to this type of training?
A. medium to high intensity and vice versa for each activity
B. continuous performance of an activity
C. untimed and unlimited training activity
D. any activity desired and enjoyed by the performer

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