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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

76. Which of the following does NOT represent a teacher’s contribution to the emotional environment of the classroom?
a. A strident, compelling voice.
b. A sustained sense of expectation where student achievement is concerned
c. A well-written lesson plan
d. A sense of humor in a tense situation

77. According to Jones, student commitment to accomplishing a learning goal depends on all of the following EXCEPT:
a. how interesting the goal is
b. how likely it seems that the goal can be accomplished
c. what degree of challenge the goal presents
d. whether the learner will be able to tell if the goal has been accomplished
e. whether materials are ready assembled for undertaking the goal

78. The teacher who understands the adolescent’s need to conform will:
a. use sarcasm as a disciplinary device
b. disregard unique responses in discussion and on examinations
c. establish a learning climate that fosters feelings of security
d. lecture students on their weakness of character

79. The best public relations agents for a school are the:
a. pupils
b. Teachers and pupils
c. PTA members
d. principals

80. The child-centered curriculum is in decided contrast to the structured curriculum. The child-centered curriculum:
a. emphasizes fundamental education
b. is changeable and is built around student interest and needs
c. is oriented to the needs of a democratic society.
d. utilizes the theory of mental discipline

81. According to Bruner, teacher working with young children should
a. Push the children to maximum cognitive development as rapidly as possible
b. Present all information verbally so the children will listen well
c. Present new material from the concrete to the abstract
d. Present new information from the abstract to the concrete

82. from the educational viewpoint, intelligence is:
a. an abstract concept
b. a trait that can be manipulated
c. good judgment
d. a form of behavior

83. Every taxonomy of educational objectives:
a. describes increasingly difficult learning activities
b. describes levels of goals for learner development
c. suggest evaluation measure for teacher use
d. Classifies learning outcomes

84. A mathematics teacher following Gagne’s theory of learning believes that:
a. learning can take place under all conditions
b. learning is mainly a matter of accurate discrimination
c. learning takes place only when the student is in a receptive state
d. learning is reinforced chiefly by classical conditioning

85. Under which of the following conditions is a child’s IQ more likely to increase?
a. If the emotional climate in the classroom improves
b. If the child is given a large “research” project.
c. If the child enjoys problem solving and is given ample opportunity for it
d. If A and C are true

86. Intelligence is the basis of education. Education is the effective means for national development, hence, a country spends a large portion of its budget for the systematic training of the learner to attain full development. Why is education one major concern of every country? Because
a. intelligence has many facets
b. intelligence is useful in testing
c. intelligence is a safe gauge for budgetary allocation
d. intelligence test when carefully conducted, can help in determining need for future facilities for national building

87. There are no two individuals who are the same. Individual differences, when early recognize and provided for, enable the teacher to provide different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning process. Each pupil differs physically, mentally, socially and emotionally from other children. Unless the teacher provides for this nature of the learner, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can elicit favorable results.
a. The paragraph highlights the need or motivating learning
b. Individual differences is an important consideration in guiding the learner
c. The above paragraph focuses on teacher-pupil relationship
d. It takes about the nature of the learning process

88. Robert Craig, et al, wrote of the phase of steps in every learning process. These include: 1.) the focusing of attention to the stimulation at hand, 2.) the interplay of the learner and the social factors that surround him, 3.) the acquisition of a new response or behavior he gives to the new learning and 4.) Retention which presupposes that the new learning is acquired.
The above paragraph emphasizes
a. the learning process
b. the steps/phase of how individuals learn
c. the manifestations of learning
d. why learning is a difficult process

89. Approaches in teaching change from time to time depending on the traditional of sophistication attached to the course being taught. Some mentors believe that the tie tested ways to teaching is effective. Other are easily carried away to use modern approaches in imparting new subject matter. It maybe safe to conclude that once results are realized in teaching, no specific method can be considered the one-and-only method to use. When teaching a subject area, it is safe to
a. stick to the traditional way
b. be modern and most recent
c. get results in teaching
d. to try any method as they are all theories after all

90. In the early 1980’s programmed teaching became popular in helping teachers to provide for individual differences in learners. The chunks of the subject matter which are divided into units are supposed to help the learner master the lesson, since it is simply to understand the frame of the lessons. No tests on mastery of the units are done because the purpose is to provide information on certain subject matter. Would you as a teacher use programmed instruction if you handle a subject on Values Education?
a. yes, definitely
b. no, not important for the subject matter
c. I don’t know
d. Why not if the subject matter calls for it

91. The data/subject matter to teach are gathered in different ways, These include historical sources like surveys, systematic observations, experimentation, interviews, etc. to be reliable and valid, the data collected must be organized, properly analyzed and interpreted. From these processes, some conclusion or generalization are done to reveal certain relationships like cause & effect. Data gathering involves:
a. tedious and serious study
b. easy does it
c. data gathered are tested and filed, then verified before being used
d. no follow-up needed

92. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statement supports this principle?
a. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins.
b. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
c. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins
d. Intelligence is determine partly by pre-natal nutrition

93. The first systematic philosopher to work in the field of education was
a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Plato
d. Rousseau

94. The first state in the world’s history where all human capabilities were allowed to develop freely
a. Rome
b. Athens
c. Sparta
d. Germany

95. They are the most practical, pragmatic people who absorbed themselves in the management of their state affairs
a. Spartans
b. Athens
c. Romans
d. Chinese

96. Invented the first system of writing in the orient
a. Phoenicians
b. Chinese
c. Greeks
d. Romans

97. first to introduce the use of printing press in the Philippines
a. Romans
b. Chinese
c. Greeks
d. Japanese

98. conducted the world’s first civil service test
a. Greeks
b. Romans
c. Chinese
d. English

99. To develop the capacity of man only for war was the educational aim of the ancient
a. Romans
b. Spartans
c. Athenians
d. Chinese

100. To produce a young man who would be charming in person and graceful in manner, e.g. a beautiful soul in a beautiful body is the educational aim of education of the
a. Romans
b. Athens
c. Spartans
d. Italians

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Professional Education

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