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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

1. The process by which certain potentials are inherited from the parents for his development
a. Life
b. Birth
c. Heredity
d. Character

2. This theory states that there are 8 basic development stages that the individual has to pass through his life
a. Learning Theory
b. Psychoanalytic Theory
c. Psychosocial Theory
d. Cognitive Development

3. Transition age from childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and sex maturity occur resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking and acting.
a. Puberty
b. Adolescence
c. Early adulthood
d. Stage V

4. Modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment, resulting in the creation of a new scheme.
a. Assimilation
b. Interaction
c. Recognition
d. Accommodation

5. Theory stating that a person’s behavior can be motivated by urges towards self satisfaction.
a. Psychoanalytic Theory
b. Cognitive development theory
c. Psychosocial Theory
d. Moral development theory

6. The ability of a child to conceptualize the retention and preservation of the same quantity under various changes.
a. Recognition
b. Reversibility
c. Assimilation
d. Conservation

7. Refers to the idea that no individual are exactly the same or alike.
a. Cognitive theory
b. Exclusivity theory
c. Individual differences
d. Emotional quotient

8. He is known as the Father of Modern I.Q. Test
a. Lewis Terman
b. Erick Erickson
c. Laurence Kohlberg
d. Martin Lesley

9.“Intellectual appreciative experience” is …
a. base on the premise that all learning has emotional correlates
b. obtained in the field of music, art and literature
c. the acquisition and retention of facts and information
d. assumes that human activities are based on stimulus and response

10. These statements imply that children at the early learning stage consider parents and teachers as authorities and models.
a. Parents and teachers should always coordinate children’s activities
b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
c. Parents and teachers should be the role models at all times
d. Parents and teachers should always consult each other with regards the child’s intellectual development

11. Any change in the behavior of an individual
a. Learning
b. Response
c. Change
d. Development

12. Which of the following principles IS NOT considered under Classical Conditioning by Ivan Pavlov?
a. Excitation
b. Adhesive Principle
c. Stimulus Generalization
d. None of the above

13. The reinforcement of a person’s responses by presentation or removal of rewards and punishment.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Transfer of learning
c. Feedback Principle
d. Discipline

14. This stimulation of action best explains the behavior of an individual to take what he perceives to be the shortest route to his goals.
a. Recognition
b. Assimilation
c. Response
d. Motivation

15. The process by which an individual acquires the social and cultural heritage of the society where he belongs.
a. Socialization
b. Internalization
c. Integration
d. Acquisition

16. What is the main function of the philosophies of education?
a. To aid the leaner to build his/her own personal philosophy.
b. Define goals and set directions from which educational efforts should be exerted.
c. Provide guidelines in the foundation of educational policies and programs.
d. Provide norms and standards for evaluation purposes.

17. According to Froebel, kindergarten is also known as ____________?
a. “A place where children have fun and enjoyment”
b. “Garden where children could grow and develop”
c. “The learning center for Life”
d. “A place where new beginnings begin”

18. Which of the following statements is given emphasis by “humanistic education?”
a. The great works of man such as the classics should be enjoyed.
b. Man should learn the different philosophies of education
c. “Build a man who is distinctly civilized, educated and refined”
d. Develop man into a thinking individual

19. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should follow learning, thus, she has to?
a. require her student mastery of the lessons
b. encourage her students to memorize facts
c. equip her students with basic skills and abilities
d. provide her student with opportunities to apply their skills and abilities

20. How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and above the minimum requirement for state recognition?
a. Scholastic achievement
b. Faculty development
c. Academic freedom
d. Voluntary accreditation

21. The period of physical, especially sexual, and mental maturation which is characterized by rapid somatic growth is known as
a. infancy
b. early childhood
c. puberty
d. adulthood

22. Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of
a. darkness
b. strangers
c. closed space
d. height

23. An eye defect characterized by clear vision in one dimension but unfocused vision on the other is called
a. myopia
b. astigmatism
c. hyperopia
d. presbyopia

24. Which of the following statements does not apply to adolescents?
a. they desire the approval of their peers
b. they seek dependence on their parents
c. they have a marked sex development
d. none of the above

25.As young people mature, society expects them to develop competencies and assume social roles in a conventional manner.
a. expectation of parents
b. influence of peers groups
c. influence of formal education
d. cultural demands

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Professional Education

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