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Majorship LET Reviewer

LET Reviewer for Agriculture and Fishery Arts
LET Reviewer for Agriculture and Fishery Arts / TLE

41. To produce good yield of quality vegetable and other farm crops
A. proper cultivation
B. animal manuring
C. food readily available in the soil
D. daily watering

42. When farmer allows the existence of natural enemies of insect pest in the farm, he is applying the 
A. genetical control
B. biological control
C. chemical control
D. cultural control

43. A collective farm that refers to the chemical materials used to control, destroy, and reduce pest
A. insecticides
B. pesticides
C. herbicides
D. fungicides

44. The study of plant disease is known as
A. entomology
B. phytopathology
C. cytology
D. plant disease technology

45. The ability of the soil supply nutrient in the right amount for maximum plant growth
A. soil productivity
B. soil moisture
C. soil fertility
D. soil texture

46. The following elements needed by the plant are derived from soil except
A. nitrogen
B. phosphorus
C. potassium
D. sulfur

47. Downward movement of water in the soil resulting in the loss of soluble salts is called
A. erosion
B. leaching
C. seepage
D. fixation

48. The growing of vegetable at a time rather than the normal period of growing
A. home gardening
C. veg. forcing
B. veg. seeds production
D. growing for processing

49. The process of cultivating the soil away from the base of the plant in order to control weeds is called
A. off-baring
B. hilling-up
C. plowing
D. harrowing

50. The following are function of mulching except
A. keeping the soil moisture
B. preventing rooting of vines
C. increasing photosynthesis
D. controlling weeds

51.The process of increasing the maximum supply of fish either by artificial or natural reproduction.
A. conservation
B. cultivation
C. propagation

52. The way fish reproduce varies with the species. Fish that gives birth to living young is called
A. viviparous
B. oviparous
C. omnivorous

53. The eel, Alguilla is a fresh water fish which migrate to marine waters to lay their eggs and return to fresh water is called
A. anadromous
B. catadromous
C. spawner

54. The part of fish that joins the lower jaw of the mouth and the breast and is at the lower part of the operculum is
A. gills
B. isthmus
C. nostril

55. The breathing organ of fish which lies behind the cavity of the mouth.
A. liver
B. gills
C. mouth

56. Fish which feed on plants are called
A. carnivorous
B. omnivorous
C. herbivorous

57. An elongated sac with a thin semi-transparent wall which provide buoyancy and help the fish rise and sink in water.
A. fins
B. gills
C. air baldder

58. The science which deals with the study of fishes
A. ichthyology
B. concology
C. malacology

59. The grouper is abundant in the southern part of the Philippine waters, Palawan, Pagbilao and Romblon. It is called by the Tagalog and Illongos as:
A. talilong
B. lapulapu
C. bangus

60. The sting ray is widely distributed in marine water throughout the country. It is commonly known as:
A. pating
B. pagi
C. bisugo

61. Shrimp, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are crustaceans. They belong to the principal group of Decapoda, meaning
 A. having ten feet
 B. having eight feet
 C. having six feet

62. A forecast of the outcome of a project to be undertaken
 A. project proposal
 B. project summary
 C. feasibility study

63. A brief description of the project which specifies the nature of the project as well as the relevance of the project to the community
A. project proposal
B. conclusion
C. project summary

64. The process of simultaneously raising bangos, prawn and tilapia in the same pond
A. monoculture
B. polyculture
C. fish culture

65. It plays a very important role in the management aspects of the enterprise. It also helps in the assessment of the management performance as reflection in the production input and output
A. time keeping
B. record keeping
C. inventory

66. The money from the sale of fish minus the cost of producing them
A. profit
B. expenses
C. price

67. Tilapia is the common name and generic name of a group of food fishes in many parts of the world belonging to the family
A. nilotica
B. chanidae
C. cichlidae

68. Monosex culture of tilapia refers to the growing of 
A. sex reversal of tilapia
B. only one sex of tilapia
C. more than one sex of tilapia

69. Carp culture in the Philippines dates back to 1915 with the introduction of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from
A. Japan
B. Taiwan
C. China

70. The total amount of salt in grams contained in one kilogram of sea water
A. salinity
B. turbidity
C. alkalinity

71. Refers to the application of lime to stabilize the pH value of the pond soil
A. fertilization
B. pesticides
C. herbicides

72. Common animal pest in brackish water fish ponds are snails and worms which feeds on lab-lab and deprive most of its natural food. Control of pest is achieved with the application of
A. fertilizer
B. pesticides
C. herbicides

73. Breeders of nile tilapia are stocked in paddies at the rate of one per square meter (2,500/ha) with a sex ratio of one male to four females. This means that 200 m paddy needs 50 breeders consisting of
A. 30 females and 10 males
B. 40 females and 10 males
C. 50 females and 10 males

74. In selecting good breeders, the following are considered except
A. fecundity and age
B. body form and resistant to diseases
C. economical and nutritious

75. A great mortality of young bangos is caused by animal predators that get into the nurseries. Predators are
A. animals seized as food
B. animals that feeds on other
C. animals that competes for food

76. This method involves raising or breeding ornamental or colorful species of fish which requires constant aeration and care
A. fish cage
B. aquarium
C. fish pond

77. Mollusks are represented by all shell fish, squid and octopus. Mussels and oysters are seashells classified as:
A. bivalve
B. univalve
C. crustaceans

78. Embraces the entire environment of fish and other marine organisms including all living and non-living things and the space itself.
A. ecological balance
B. aquatic ecosystem
C. sanctuary

79. The largest freshwater lake in the country producing about 20% of the total milkfish production in the Philippines
A. Naujan Lake
B. Laguna Lake
C. Taal Lake

80. Sec. 99, RA 8550 prohibits the exportation of breeders, spawners, eggs or fry. This act is known as:
A. FAO no. 129 of 1980
B. Fisheries Decree of 1975
C. The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998

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