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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

26. It is another stage of moral development theorized by Kohlberg that is associated with the development of one’s conscience, having a set of standards that drives one to possess moral responsibility to make societal changes regardless of consequences to oneself.
a. Universal Principles stage
b. Social approval stage 
c. Punishment-obedience stage 
d. Law and Order stage
e. Mutual Benefit Stage

27. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operation stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?
a. Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for higher order thinking (HOTS)
b. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive development
c. Let children be children 
d. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age.
e. None of these mentioned is an educational implication

28. Student diversity can promote harmony among students in the classroom. What does this imply to the teaching-learning process?
a. The teacher can provide more than just theory through lecture, make the classroom a public place where community can be practiced.
b. Through student-centered teaching strategies, diverse students can be encouraged to interact and collaborate with one another in a cooperative or team learning process.
c. The classroom is peculiarly a market place of ideas where opportunity can be provided for students to gain access to the perspective of peers.
d. Help the students focus on their awareness of themselves as they see how others are different.
e. Not one of these mentioned is an implication to teaching.

29. Which of Howard Gardner’s nine forms of Multiple Intelligences describes the learner’s ability to see things in one’s mind in planning to create or solve problem? 
a. Verbal / linguistic 
b. Visual/iconic 
c. Mathematical/Logical 
d. Visual/Spatial
e. Kinesthetic

30. A form of intelligence in which the learner seeks connection to real world understanding and application of new learning is the ___ .
a. Intrapersonal intelligence 
b. Naturalist form of intelligence 
c. Existentialist form of intelligence
d. Verbal/linguistic
e. Visual/Spatial

31. A learner who feels more comfortable to learn with the aid of abstract symbolism such as mathematical formula or written word, possesses what kind of sensory learning style?
a. Visual enactive style 
b. Visual – symbolic style 
c. Visual – iconic style
d. Imagery learning style
e. Concrete learning style

32. Which of the following activities cater to sensory preference either by tactile or kinesthetic learning style? 
a. Viewing power point presentation 
b. Listening to a speech/speaking 
c. Panel discussion/debate
d. hands-on / laboratory activities
e. field trip /nature study

33. Which of the following characterizes left-brained dominant individual?
a. visual, responds to tone of voice, responds to emotion
b. impulsive, less punctual, prefers frequent mobility while studying
c. processes information in varied order, random, gestures when speaking
d. verbal, responds to word meaning, plans ahead, responds to logic
e. prefers sound/music while studying, recalls people’s faces, sequential

34. Which of the following categories of exceptional learners is described as having difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention with recurrent hyperactive-impulsive behavior?
a. Emotional/conduct disorders 
b. Speech and communication disorders 
c. Learning disabilities
d. Autism
e. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

35. The Theory of Behaviorism focuses on the study of ___ . 
a. observable and measurable behavior 
b. logical reasoning 
c. abstract reasoning 
d. covert behaviors
e. unpredictable behaviors

36. Learning by classical conditioning was first studied by ___.
a. Edward Thorndike 
b. John Watson 
c. Ivan Pavlov
d. Burrhus Frederick Skinner
e. Jerome Bruner

37. William Glasser’s Control Theory states that behavior is inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students’ basic human needs?
a. Make teaching-learning interactive 
b. Avoid giving so many assignments 
c. Organize a curriculum in a spiral manner 
d. Make schoolwork relevant to student’s basic human needs
e. Provide varied learning materials

38. Edward Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory (S-R Bond Theory) of Learning came up with three
Primary laws. Which law/s states that when a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened, learning is satisfying; when weakened, learning is annoying.
a. Law of Effect 
b. Law of Exercise 
c. Law of Readiness 
d. both a and b
e. both b and c

39. Which law/s of learning by Thorndike is/are analogous to this statement ? : “You can take the horse to the river, but you can not force the horse to drink.”
a. Law of Effect 
b. Law of Exercise 
c. Law of Readiness
d. Laws a & b
e. Laws b & c

40. Fear of the dentist from a painful experience of tooth extraction, fear of heights from falling off a high chair when we were infants are learned through ___ .
a. Insight 
b. Imitation 
c. classical conditioning
d. trial-and-error learning
e. operant conditioning

41. Who was that first American psychologist to work with Pavlov’s idea on classical conditioning process of learning, but in his research, he involved human behaviors which he claimed are learned through stimulus-response associations by conditioning?
a. B. F. Skinner 
b. John Watson 
c. E. Thorndike
d. Robert Gagne
e. John Locke

42. Ms. Ramos taught her four year old son to tie his shoe lace by following sequential step. Ms. Ramos gave her child reinforcement (reward) every time the boy performed the step until he was able to do the entire sequence successfully. What process of learning did the boy use to learn in tying his shoe lace? 
a. Classical conditioning 
b. Behavioral chaining 
c. Behavior shaping
d. Positive reinforcing
e. Negative reinforcing

43. The Sign-Gestalt Learning Theory or Purposive Behaviorism of Edward Tolman explains that __________
a. an organism learns by pursuing signs (stimulus) to a goal acquired through meaningful behavior.
b. new stimulus (the sign) always corresponds to a certain response.
c. a learner learns and experiences success in learning by trial-and error.
d. an organism (learner) learns new behaviors by adapting himself to the environment he belongs.
e. a learner shapes his behavior to a more improved behavior by conditioning process.

44. What is the underlying principle of learning in the Social Learning Theory proposed by Albert Bandura?
a. That people can learn by observing the behavior of others and the outcomes of those behaviors. 
b. That learning has to be represented by a permanent change in behavior.
c. That a child learns more effectively with the aid of teaching machines.
d. That modeling is not favorable in learning, hence it does not provide positive behavior change.
e. That consequences of the model’s behavior may not always affect the observer’s behavior vicariously.

45. Which is the correct sequence in modeling the behavior of others?
a. Attention – motivation – retention – motor reproduction 
b. Attention - motor reproduction – retention – motivation
c. Motivation - attention - retention - motor reproduction
d. Attention - retention - motor reproduction - motivation
e. Motor chaining - attention - retention - motivation

46. What does the Gestalt’s Theory of Learning emphasize on?
a. Mental processes and perceptions are less effective in cognitive development in learning.
b. Learned behaviors can be improved by constant practice.
c. Mental processes and products of perception are basic to cognitive learning.
d. Gestalt’s process of learning is through sequential process to form meaning or idea.
e. Gestalt’s theory adhere to the idea that learning takes place by foresight and prediction.

47. How should a teacher go about a spiral curriculum as stressed by Jerome Bruner?
a. The teacher teaches the same content in different ways depending on students’ developmental level.
b. The curriculum should be organized in a spiral manner to allow students to continually build upon what they have already learned.
c. Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the students.
d. a, b and c conform with the spiral curriculum
e. a, b and c do not support the idea on spiral curriculum.

48. In what representation level of learning should children learn about the world through actions on physical objects and the outcomes of these actions?
a. Enactive representation 
b. Iconic representation 
c. Symbolic representation
d. Semi-abstract representation
e. Abstract representation

49. Which of the following concepts support/s David Ausubel’s Meaningful Verbal Learning Theory?
a. Knowledge is hierarchically organized
b. Information becomes meaningful when it is related to what is already known.
c. Individuals learn large amounts of meaningful material from verbal/textual presentation.
d. b and c support Ausubel’s theory.
e. a, b and c do not support Ausubel’s theory. 

50. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes.” Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed?
a. Tell them the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated.
b. Convince them to realize that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed. 
c. Make them realize that both success and failure are more a function of internal causes.
d. Make them realize that failure is a part of life.
d. None of these.

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