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ECE Board Exam Reviewer
ECE Board Exam Reviewer
Multiple Choice Questions
ECE Board Exam Reviewer

1. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is an electronic measuring equipment used in navigation operating in 1GHz band which provides bearing and distance indication?

2. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Find the output of four (4) lead acid cells.
A. 3.2 V
B. 8.4 V
C. 5.8 V
D. 1.6 V

3. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The reciprocal of capacitance is called
A. elastance
B. permittivity
C. conductance
D. permeability

4. ECE Board Exam November 1995
An advantage of full-wave rectifier over half-wave rectifier.
A. Each diode can cool-off during half of each input cycle.
B. The ripple frequency is lower.
C. The tube will conduct during both halves of the cycle.
D. Output voltage is lower with more ripples.

5. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What composes all matter whether a liquid, solid or gas?
A. Atoms
B. Electrons
C. Protons
D. Neutrons

6. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the majority carrier in an N material?
A. Holes
B. Neutrons
C. Electrons
D. Protons

7. ECE Board Exam November 1995
A very high resistance connected in parallel with smoothing capacitors in a high voltage DC system is called a
A. dropping resistor
B. shunt
C. divider
D. bleeder

8. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the smallest part of a computer language?
A. Binary
B. Byte
C. Bit
D. Word

9. ECE Board Exam November 1995
A user-program that has the ability to move a robot axis to any position within its range
A. Point-to-point
B. Continuous path
C. Positive stop
D. Pick-and-place

10. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What level is used to represent logic-1 in a negative logic circuit?
A. Negative transition level
B. Low level
C. Positive transmission level
D. High level

11. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What law in electronics where an induced current will be in such a direction that its own magnetic field will oppose the magnetic field that produces the same?
A. Electromagnetic law
B. Nortons law
C. Lenz law
D. Maxwells law

12. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the reason why robot actuators have lesser capabilities than electric or hydraulic robot actuators?
A. It has quick response
B. It always has oil leaks
C. It always has all or nothing motion
D. It has high initial cost

13. ECE Board Exam November 1995
_______ has the unit of electron volt.
A. Charge
B. Potential difference
C. Energy
D. Current

14. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the unit of magnetic flux in SI system?
A. Weber
B. Maxwell
C. Tesla
D. Gauss

15. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What element possesses four valence electrons?
A. Insulator
B. Semi-insulator
C. Semiconductor
D. Conductor

16. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What level is used to represent logic-0 in a negative logic circuit?
A. High level
B. Low level
C. Negative transition level
D. Positive transition level

17. ECE Board Exam November 1995
In an Amplitude-Modulated (AM) radio transmitter, the modulator is _________.
A. How amplification can be thought of as a decision making process
B. How semiconductor replace vacuum
C. A digital decision
D. How to adapt a radio transmitter to make it useful as multiplier circuit.

18. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Which of the following is the probable output if all inputs of a TTL gate are binary 1?
A. Determinable
B. Binary 0
C. Binary 1
D. Indeterminate

19. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Term used to describe sudden reverse conduction of an electronic component caused by excess reverse voltage across the device.
A. Cut-off
B. Saturation
C. Avalanche
D. Revertion

20. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Given the two voltages:
S(t)=10cos(ωt+30 degrees)volts
Q(t)=15cos(ωt+45 degrees)volts
Find V(t)=S(t) + Q(t)

A. V(t)=5.9cos(ωt+71degrees)volts
B. V(t)=24.8cos(ωt+39degrees)volts
C. V(t)=25cos(ωt+75 degrees)volts
D. V(t)=13.6cos(ωt+75degrees)volts

21. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What type of materials formed when trivalent material is doped with silicon or germanium?
A. N type
B. N and P type
C. PN type
D. P type

22. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the degree of exactness of measurement when compared to the expected value of the variable being measured?
A. Accuracy
B. Error
C. Deviation
D. Precision

23. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The overall gain of an amplifier in cascade is
A. the sum
B. the average of each
C. the product
D. 100 % the sum

24. ECE Board Exam November 1995
_________ is a byte of data stored in a memory location.
A. 8 bits
B. Character
C. 4 bits
D. Memory word

25. ECE Board Exam November 1995
An instrument used to measure one location in terms of coordinates.
A. Global Positioning System
B. Hydrometer
C. Altimeter
D. Increductometer

26. ECE Board Exam November 1995
How do you measure the current in a circuit without an ammeter?
A. By computing the values of resistance
B. Measure voltage drop across tube
C. Measure voltage drop across known resistor
D. Divide total circuit resistance by the total circuit load

27. ECE Board Exam November 1995
_________ is retrieving data from memory.
A. Accessing
B. Getting
C. Encoding
D. Reading

28. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Materials with permeabilities slightly less than that of free space are referred to as
A. diamagnetic
B. ferromagnetic
C. non-magnetic
D. paramagnetic

29. ECE Board Exam November 1995
________ can erase EPROMS.
A. Applying a 21-volt pulse
B. Applying ultraviolet rays
C. Turning off the power
D. Blowing fuse

30. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What materials possess permeabilities slightly less than that of free space?
A. Non-magnetic
B. Diamagnetic
C. Paramagnetic
D. Ferromagnetic

31. ECE Board Exam November 1995
An LC circuit resonates at 2000 kHz and has a Q of 100. Find the lower and upper cut-off frequencies.
A. 1950 kHz, 2050 kHz
B. 1900 kHz, 2100 kHz
C. 1990 kHz, 2010 kHz
D. 1980 kHz, 2020 kHz

32. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Find the ripple factor (Kr) of a sinusoidal signal with peak ripple of 4 volts and an average of 30.
A. 0.094
B. 0.013
C. 0.130
D. 0.94

33. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The term “Fully Saturated” for a transistor refers to:
A. the collector current at its maximum value
B. the collector current at its minimum value
C. the transistor’s beta at its maximum value
D. the transistor’s alpha at its maximum value

34. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The _________ grid in an electron tube is where the input signal is usually applied.
A. screen
B. control
C. bias
D. supression

35. ECE Board Exam November 1995
If three amplifiers with a gain of 8 each are in cascade, how much is the overall gain?
A. 72
B. 24
C. 512
D. 8

36. ECE Board Exam November 1995
_______ is a pn junction semiconductor device that emits noncoherent optical radiation when biased in the forward direction, as a result of a recombination effect.
D. Optical cavity

37. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What do you call the force which sets up or tends to set up magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit?
A. Electromotive force
B. Potential difference
C. Magnetomotive force
D. Dynamic force

38. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Silicon diodes are used in a two-diode full-wave rectifier circuit to supply a load of 12 volts DC. Assuming ideal diodes and the load resistance is 12 ohms, compute the efficiency of the rectifier in percentage.
A. 5.8
B. 75
C. 95.7
D. 81.2

39. ECE Board Exam November 1995
In order to match the load to the generator means making load resistance _________.
A. increased to more of generator’s internal resistance
B. equal to generator’s internal resistance
C. decreased
D. lowered than generator’s internal resistance

40. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The purpose of installing thyrectors across the incoming power lines to speed the control system is to ______.
A. cause the motor to caution
B. protect drive circuits from high voltage transient surges
C. increase counter-emf
D. allow the field winding current to continue flowing

41. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The base SI unit of luminous intensity is
A. lux
B. lumen
C. candela
D. lambert

42. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The portion of the weld interval during which welding current is flowing
A. Heat subinterval
B. Release interval
C. Cool interval
D. Squeeze interval

43. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The difference in energy between the valence and conduction bands of a semiconductor is called
A. band gap
B. extrinsic photoeffect
C. conductivity
D. energy-density

44. ECE Board Exam November 1995
________ is a segment register which normally accesses variables in the program.
A. Extra
B. Stack
C. Data
D. Code

45. ECE Board Exam November 1995
What is the range of audio frequency?
A. 10 to 10,000 Hz
B. 16 to 20,000 Hz
C. 3 to 2,000 kHz
D. 10 to 2,000 Hz

46. ECE Board Exam November 1995
A __________ is a storage device used to accommodate a difference in rate of flow of data or time of occurrence of events when transmitting from one device to another.
A. Accumulator
B. Buffer
C. Modem
D. Register

47. ECE Board Exam November 1995
Solve the collector current if base current is 200 mA and the current gain is 20.
A. 10 A
B. 4 A
C. 1 A
D. 40 A

48. ECE Board Exam November 1995
_____ is the specific gravity reading for a good lead-acid cell.
A. 1170
B. 1270
C. 1070
D. 1370

49. ECE Board Exam November 1995
___________ refers to BCD counter
A. Decade counter
B. Shift relay
C. Frequency divider
D. Binary counter

50. ECE Board Exam November 1995
The typical number of bits per dynamic memory location is
A. 1
B. 8
C. 2
D. 16

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