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LET Reviewer in Professional Education

LET Reviewer for Professional Education
LET Reviewer for Professional Education

1. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
A. Cognitive insight
B. The use of multimedia approaches
C. The concept of readiness in learning
D. The use of reinforcement

2. What psychological principle is used when teacher links the new information to the previous one to enable the students to gain a holistic view of the topic.
A. Stimulation
B. Accommodation
C. Assimilation
D. Conceptualization

3. Young children have a short attention and interest span. What kind of task should the teacher give them?
A. Challenging and interesting activities
B. Long but interesting activities
C. Easy and difficult activities
D. Short, varied, interesting activities

4. What is possessed by the learner when he can use language with ease and fluency in any given situation?
A. Bilingual ability
B. High cognitive skills
C. A photographic memory
D. Communicative competence

5. What is the main concern of spiraling a curriculum?
A. curriculum renewal and revision
B. Horizontal articulation among the students in a grade level
C. Vertical articulation of a given subject across a grade level
D. Incorporating government thrusts and societal concerns

6. Which of this information is not entered in Form 1 or the School Registrar?
A. Alphabetical list of students, boys separated from girls.
B. Daily attendance record of each student.
C. Grade obtained by each student in all his/her subjects.
D. Personal data of the students in the registrar.

7. Which type of test is used to discover further attitudes about self and others?
A. Personality test
B. Intelligence test
C. Achievement test
D. Diagnostic test

8. Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is strong in interpersonal intelligence?
A. Works by his/her own.
B. Spends time meditating.
C. Keeps interest to himself/herself.
D. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs.

9. Which are direct measures of competence?
A. Paper-and-pencil tests
B. Personality tests
C. Performance tests
D. Standardized tests

10. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT –
A. It links the parts of the lesson.
B. It makes provisions for full participation of students.
C. It clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.
D. It brings together the information that has been discussed.

11. Teacher Karen wanted to teach the pupils the skill to do cross stitching. Her check up quiz was a written test on the steps of cross stitching. Which characteristics of a good test does it lack?
A. Objectivity
B. Reliability
C. Scorability
D. Validity

12. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C, and D, no pupil chose D as an answer. This implies D is –
A. A vague distracter
B. A plausible distracter
C. An effective distracter
D. An ineffective distracter

13. A parent visited you regarding his son’s low grades. He showed you his quizzes, unit tests and projects. You discovered that his name is Mel and you wrongfully put his name on the girl’s list. What will you do?
A. Recognize your mistake and promise to correct the grade.
B. Insists that you are right in grading him.
C. Refer the matter to the principal
D. Ignore the complain

14. What should a cooperating teacher do to help the student teacher who has been assigned to him/her?
A. Provide opportunities for the student teacher to acquire the skills and competencies to be an effective teacher.
B. Show your lesson plan and let him/her follow what is in your lesson plan.
C. Write or prepare activities to be done and let him/her execute these in class.
D. Don’t allow him/her to make her own decisions as to how the lesson is to be introduce.

15. Which among the following pillars of learning is aimed for the holistic development and complete fulfillment of man?
A. Learning to be
B. Learning to know
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to do

16. Which of these techniques is BEST suited to developing skill in asking and answering questions?
A. Interviews
B. Song analysis 
C. Pictorial review
D. Riddles

17. Most delinquents are found to have low IQ. They can hardly read and comprehend. How can a teacher help them?
A. Call for their parents.
B. Refer them to a doctor.
C. Give them remedial classes.
D. Suspend them from classes.

18. Children learn what they live by. Treat them with respect and they will respect others. Shout at them and they will be shouting at others, too. How would you explain this behavior?
A. They are easily impressed
B. They are imitative
C. They cannot tell right from wrong
D. They are observant

19. What should be done with a student in the upper grades who is a non reader?
A. Encourage him to join a reading club
B. Give him comic books
C. Have him attend remedial reading class
D. Transfer him to a lower section

20. In which situation is learning most likely to happen?
A. When students work by themselves
B. When students are quiet and well behaved
C. When all the needed materials are available
D. When students know the importance of the task at hand

21. Social adjustment means the ability to behave in accordance with?
A. Universal truths
B. Self concept
C. Stereotyped behaviors
D. Social expectations

22. How can a teacher avoid “breakdown and interruptions” I daily class procedures?
A. Punish the misbehaving students
B. Establish routine for daily tasks
C. Assign a leader to assist everyone
D. Allow students to make their own regulations

23. Which is made after certain norms has been established?
A. Departmental test
B. Local-city wide test
C. Teacher-made test
D. Standardized test

24. A high school principal would like to know the causes of drop-outs in his school so he could find solutions to this problem. What type of researched is used?
A. Applied
B. Action
C. Pure
D. Experimental

25. If we aim to produce globally competitive graduates, the Philippine education should give major emphasis to _______________.
A. English, Science and Mathematics
B. Technology and citizenship education
C. Humanities and work education
D. Bilingual education and values education

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Professional Education

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