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MCQs on Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals
Engineering Reviewer - Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals
Multiple Choice Questions
Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals

101. How many neutrons does a copper atom have?
A. 32
B. 33
C. 34
D. 29

102. Bonding of atoms that is due to the force of attraction between positive ions and a group of negative ions
A. Ionic bond
B. Covalent Bond
C. Electrostatic Bond
D. Metallic bond

103. An alloy of 22 percent iron and 78 per cent nickel.
A. Permalloy
B. Alnico
C. Constantan
D. Manganin

104. An alloy of 40 percent iron and 60 percent nickel.
A. Alnico
B. Permalloy
C. Hipernik
D. Manganin

105. A commercial alloy of aluminum nickel, and iron with cobalt, copper and titanium added to produce about 12 grades.
A. Alnico
B. Brass
C. Aluminum
D. Constantan

106. The idea of preventing one component from affecting another through their common electric and magnetic field is referred to as
A. Hall effect
B. Grounding
C. Shielding
D. Limiting

107. The physical motion resulting from the forces of magnetic fields is called
A. Motor action
B. Rotation
C. Repulsion
D. Torque action

108. Flux linkages equals
A. Flux times area of core
B. Flux times number of turns times area of core
C. Flux times number of turns times length of core
D. Flux times number of turns

109. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A. Magnetic potential
B. Magnetic field intensity
C. Magnetic permeability
D. Flux density

110. Which of the following electric quantities is vector in character?
A. Field
B. Charge
C. Energy
D. Potential Difference

111. The quantity 10^6 maxwells is equivalent to one
A. Weber
B. Gauss
C. Gilbert
D. Tesla

112. What is the unit of reluctance?
A. Maxwell
B. Gauss
C. At/Wb
D. Weber

113. What is the SI unit of magnetic flux?
A. Tesla
B. Weber
C. Maxwell
D. Gauss

114. What is the unit of magnetomotive force?
A. Volt
B. Tesla
C. Ampere- turn
D. Weber

115. What is the cgs unit of magnetomotive force?
A. Gilbert
B. Ampere- turn
C. Maxwell
D. Weber

116. The unit of flux is _____ in cgs system.
A. Tesia
B. Gilbert
C. Maxwell
D. Oersted

117. Flux density is measured in
A. Tesia
B. Weber
C. Ampere- turn
D. Maxwell

118. The customary energy unit in atomic and nuclear physics is
A. Joule
B. Volt- coulomb
C. electron-volt
D. Walt- second

119. One ampere- turn is equivalent to _____ gilberts
A. 1.16
B. 1.26
C. 1.36
D. 1.46

120. The magnetic flux of 2000 lines is how many Maxwells?
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 4000
D. 8000

121. How much is the flux in Weber in the above problem?
A. 2 x 10^-5
B. 2 x 10^-3
C. 2 x 10^5
D. 2 x 10^3

122. One oersted (Oe) is equivalent to _____ Gb/cm.
A. 1
B. 10
C. 100
D. 1000

123. One electron volt (1 eV) is equivalent to _____ joules
A. 1.3 x 10^-19
B. 1.4 x 10^-19
C. 1.5 x 10^-19
D. 1.6 x 10^-19

124. An electron- volt (eV) is a unit of
A. Energy
B. Potential difference
C. Charge
D. Momentum

125. The unit of electrical energy is
A. Joule
B. Watt- second
C. Kilowatt- hour
D. All of these

126. Electrons at the outer shell are called
A. Outer shell electrons
B. Inner shell electrons
C. Semiconductor electrons
D. Valence electrons

127. Which of the following has the least number of valence electrons?
A. Conductor
B. Semiconductor
C. Insulator
D. Semi- insulator

128. A good conductor has how many valence electrons?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 2
D. 8

129. Which element has four valence electrons?
A. Conductor
B. Insulator
C. Semiconductor
D. Semi- insulator

130. A negative ion results when an atom gains an additional
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. Atom

131. An atom or a group of atoms that carries a net electric charge.
A. Positive ion
B. Negative ion
C. Ion
D. Electron

132. Hysteresis refers to the ______ between flux density of the material and the magnetizing force applied.
A. Leading effect
B. Ratio
C. Equality
D. Lagging effect

133. Hydrogen is an example of a _____ material.
A. Paramagnetic
B. Diamagnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
D. Non- magnetic

134. Cobalt is an example of a ______ material.
A. Paramagnetic
B. Diamagnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
D. Non- magnetic

135. The evaporation of electrons from a heated surface is called
A. Radiation
B. Convection
C. Thermionic emission
D. Conduction

136. Electron is a Greek word for
A. amber
B. Fire
C. Stone
D. Heat

137. Gases whose particles are charged are known as
A. Conductors
B. Insulators
C. Gaseous Conductors
D. Plasma

138. What principle states that each electron in an atom must have a different set of quantum numbers?
A. Inclusion principle
B. Exclusion principle
C. Quantum principle
D. Electron principle

139. The energy stored in an electrostatic field or electromagnetic field is called
A. Electromagnetic energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Rest energy

140. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Silicon dioxide is a good
B. The current carriers in conductors are valence electrons
C. For conductors, the valence electron are strongly attracted to the nucleus
D. The valence electrons are located in the nucleus of an atom

141. How many electrons are needed in the valence orbit to give a material’s stability?
A. 8
B. 4
C. 6
D. 5

142. Residual magnetism refers to the flux density, which exists in the iron core when the magnetic field intensity is
A. Minimized
B. Reduced to zero
C. Maximize
D. Unity

143. Magnetic intensity is a
A. Phasor quantity
B. Physical quantity
C. Scalar quantity
D. Vector quantity

144. The core of a magnetic equipment uses a magnetic material with
A. Least permeability
B. Low permeability
C. Moderate permeability
D. High permeability

145. Which of the following is a paramagnetic material?
A. Carbon
B. Copper
C. Bismuth
D. Oxygen

146. The permeability of permalloy is
A. Very much greater than permeability of air
B. Slightly greater than permeability of air
C. Slightly less than permeability of air
D. Equal to the permeability of air

147. A t/m is a unit of
A. Mmf
B. Emf
C. Reluctance
D. Magnetizing force

148. The force between two magnetic poles is _____ their poles strength.
A. equal to
B. directly proportional to
C. inversely proportional to
D. directly proportional to the square root of

149. The magnetic energy stored in an inductor is ______ current.
A. Directly proportional to
B. Inversely proportional to
C. Directly proportional to the square of
D. Inversely proportional to the square of

150. One of the common application of an air- cored choke.
A. Radio frequency
B. Audio frequency
C. Power supply
D. Power transformer

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