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Refresher Course in Mathematics - Properties of Number

Math Refresher Course - Properties of Number

Number Properties

Closure Property
§ When we add or multiply any element in a set of numbers, the sum or product is a unique real number which belongs to that same set.
14 + 25 + 44 + 52 = 135

23 x 14 x 10 = 3 220
Commutative Property
§ states that changing the position of the addends or the factors does not affect the sum or the product
33 + 10 = 10 + 33

18 x 9 = 9 x 18
Associative Property
§ states that changing the grouping of addends in a sum or the grouping of factors in a product does not change the resulting sum or product
(5 + 6) + 7 = 5 + (6 + 7)

2 x (4 x 6) = (2 x 4) x 6
Identity Property
§ The sum of any number and zero is the same number.
§ 0 is the identity.
512 + 0 = 512
§ The product of any number and one is the same number.
§ 1 is the identity
512 x 1 = 512
Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition / Subtraction
§ states that multiplication distributes over addition and subtraction
7(9 + 12) = 7(9) + 7(12)

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