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TLE LET Reviewer
Answers to the test questions

1. c. Electric circuits
2. d. small entrepreneurs
3. a. Flat screw driver
4. a. Common emitter
5. c. entrepreneur
6. a. Fuse puller
7. b. 0.001 mA
8. b. slow reactance to input
9. a. 125 Volts
10. c. heat sink
11. d. series
12. c. Ruler
13. a. It is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
14. c. relief
15. a. Hexagon
16. b. Ellipse
17. b. Ohmmeter
18. b. power
19. a. Amplifies current or electric signals
20. d. One of the terminals of the battery is 12 V higher in electric potential than the other.
21. c. Motor
22. a. Current and power
23. a. Entrepreneur
24. c. small business
25. c. innovation
26. b. entrepreneurial
27. d. 1000 mm
28. d. Visible Line
29. c. HB
30. a. 30 degrees
31. b. Sine wave
32. a. increase
33. a. micro business
34. c. small business
35. a. lactose
36. d. There is only one path for current to flow in a series connection.
37. a. export and import of goods among nations
38. c. money economy
39. a. barter economy
40. c. available resources
41. a. skills and interests
42. a. Drawing
43. c. Conserve nutrients.
44. d. They are easily absorbed and excreted
45. c. regular milk and vinegar
46. a. 165 degrees Fahrenheit
47. d. Prices of food item may vary according to the purchaser.
48. c. confectioner’s sugar
49. b. Flatware, dinnerware, glassware and linen
50. c. those that contain shortening and those that do not
51. b. caramelization
52. b. medium business

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