1. Places the tab stop at the desired point.
a. tabulator
b. tab set key
c. tab clear key
d. card holder
2. Releases carriage to move to a point where a tab is set.
a. tabulator
b. tab set key
c. tab clear key
d. card holder
3. Advances the carriage one space at a time.
a. paper bail
b. regulator
c. space bar
d. back space key
4. Removes the tab stops at a time.
a. tabulator
b. tab set key
c. tab clear key
d. card holder
5. Unlocks the margin stop.
a. margin stops
b. margin release
c. tab clear key
d. card holder
6. Disengages the ribbon or any part of it if it has two colors.
a. ribbon regulator
b. ribbon color control
c. ribbon tab
d. ribbon holder
7. The left hand guide key
a. A S D F
b. B S D F
c. J K L ;
d. L M N
8. The right hand guide keys are
a. A S D F
b. B S D F
c. J K L ;
d. L M N
9. The qualities of a good typist.
a. speed and effort
b. accuracy and effort
c. speed and accuracy
d. mastery and speed
10. The first mechanical device developed to help man compute.
a. abacus
b. rotating wheel calculator
c. step wheel machine
d. Mark I
11. The ______ started the use of the abacus in computing.
a. Chinese
b. Turkish
c. Japanese
d. Vietnamese
12. The French mathematician who made the rotating wheel calculator.
a. Charles Babbage
b. Gottfried Van Liebiz
c. Blaise Pascal
d. Joseph Marie Jacquard
13. The “rotating wheel calculator” was invented during the Process data in continuous 16th century the ____________.
a. Age of Scientific Restoration
b. Age of Scientific Revolution
c. Age of Scientific Renovation
d. Age of Scientific Resolution
14. The mechanical device that could perform all the four operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and could calculate square roots.
a. step wheel machine
b. punch card machine
c. rotating wheel calculator
d. abacus
15. The device that is used to automate weaving.
a. step wheel machine
b. punch card machine
c. rotating wheel calculator
d. abacus
16. Considered as the “Father of Modern Computers”.
a. Charles Babbage
b. Joseph Marie Jacquard
c. Blaise Pascal
d. Howard Aiken
17. The first step in the development of the modern computer.
a. Mark I
18. The first complete electronic digital computer.
a. Mark I
19. The first computer to operate for internally stored instruction.
a. Mark I
20. Process data in continuous forms at high speed.
a. large scale computer
b. super computers
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
21. Largest and fastest machine with a capacity of 50 million operations per second.
a. large scale computer
b. super computers
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
22. Provide reading numbers accurately than analog computers, because they measure and represent quantities in distinct variables.
a. digital computer
b. excel computers
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
23. Programmed to perform many functions.
a. general purpose computer
b. special purpose computer
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
24. Capable of great operating speed, larger memory and high speed input and output devices.
a. large scale computer
b. super computers
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
25. Performs only a specific set of operation.
a. general purpose computer
b. special purpose computer
c. medium size computer
d. analog computers
26. Is equivalent to 1 billionth of a second.
a. millisecond
b. nanosecond
c. seconds
d. minute
27. An electronic devise designed to generate useful information through proper manipulation of data.
a. digital computer
b. computer
c. calculator
d. robots
28. The physical unit associated with computer
a. hardware
b. software
c. microchip
d. application
29. A set of instructions or programs that are created by programmers to control the computer’s response to user input.
a. hardware
b. software
c. microchip
d. application
30. The heart and brain of the computer
a. hardware
b. CPU
c. primary storage
d. application
31. Provides output in audio form
a. hardware
b. printer
c. speech synthesizer
d. cd
32. Supervises or monitors the activities performed by the entire computer system.
a. primary storage
b. control unit
c. main storage
d. storage
33. The memory or main storage
a. primary storage
b. software storage
c. main storage
d. storage
34. Performs arithmetical and logical operations. It is where data is manipulated.
a. arithmetic logic unit
b. primary storage
c. primary storage
d. main storage
35. Prints processed data in a form people can read.
a. printer
b. scanner
c. monitor
d. c.p.u.
36. A television which like video screen supplies what is known as soft copy, since it does not give you a permanent record.
a. printer
b. scanner
c. monitor
d. c.p.u.
37. The bridge between the computer and the user
a. operating system
b. computer system
c. application program
d. control
38. Data gathered and entered into the computer in a form acceptable to the computer.
a. processing
b. input
c. output
d. control
39. This is the stage involved in the manipulation of data or the performance of operations on the entered data, according to program or a list of instructions.
a. input
b. processing
c. output
d. control
40. The product of the processing stage.
a. input
b. processing
c. output
d. control
41. A collection of fields
a. bit
b. byte
c. field
d. record
42. A group of bits
a. file
b. byte
c. databank
d. bit
43. The smallest unit
a. bit
b. byte
c. file
d. databank
44. A collection of related record
a. data bank
b. file
c. record
d. storage
45. A collection of logically related files
a. file
b. databank
c. field
d. record
46. A combination of bytes
a. bit
b. byte
c. field
d. record
47. A computer is an _______________ device designed to generate useful information.
a. electrical
b. electronic
c. perfect
d. important
48. A computer is an __________ object which needs human intervention for its operation.
a. animate
b. amazing
c. inanimate
d. useful
49. If properly manipulated, a computer can produce __________ results.
a. accurate
b. perfect
c. correct
d. incorrect
50. A computer has the capacity to produce data ______ than any type of machine.
a. faster
b. heavier
c. important
d. slower
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