LET Reviewer in Professional Education - Philosophical Foundation of Education |
School of Thought
► Aristotle
► Harris Broudy
► John Locke
► John Comenius
► Johann Henrich Pestalozzi
► Jean Jacques Rosseu
► Reality is what we observe.
► Experience exists only in the physical world.
► Mind is like a mirror receiving images only from the physical world.
► Nature is a primary self-evident reality, a starting point in philosophizing.
► Investigating and reasoning are important in any effective adjustment to the real world in the control of experience.
Role of Teachers
► Help develop initiative and ability to control experiences.
► Help realize that they can enter into the meaning of their experiences
► The students would be taught factual information for mastery.
► The use of Scientific Methods
► Defining the problem
► Observing factors related to problem
► Hypothesizing
► Testing the hypothesis
Educational Aim
► Gives direction and form to individual’s basic potentialities.
► Determines the direction of the individual’s inherited tendencies.
► Provide an education that could produce a good individual and a good society by meeting 4 principal need of an individual.
► Aptitude needs
► Self-determination needs
► Self-realization needs.
► Self-integration needs
Curriculum Emphasis
► Study habits
► Research skills
► Library skills
► Evaluation
► Observation
► Experimentation
► Analytical and critical thinking
School of Thought
► Plato
► Socrates
► Rene Decartes
► Emphasize the importance of mind, soul and spirit.
► Believes in refined wisdom. Based on the view that reality is a world within a person’s mind.
► Schools exist to sharpen the mind and intellectual processes.
► One of the oldest school of thoughts with its origin traced back to Plato’s ideas.
Role of Teachers
► Transmitter of knowledge
► Chief source of inspiration
► Creator of educational environment (teacher-centered).
► Lecture-Discussion Method
► Excursion
► Question Method
► Project Method
Educational Aim
► To develop the individual spiritually, mentally, and morally.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Subject Matter of mind:
► literature
► history
► philosophy
► mathematics
► arts
School of Thought
► John Dewey
► Charles Sanders Peirce
► William James
► Richard Rorty
► Conservative philosophy
► Primarily an American philosophy.
► Focuses on reflective thinking. The knowledge process, the relationship of ideas into action.
► Encourages people to find processes that work in order to attain desired goals.
► Makes use of experience as a source of knowledge
Role of Teachers
► Keeps order in the class
► Facilitates group work
► Encourages and offers suggestions, questions and help in planning
► Curriculum planner.
► Experimental Methods
► Statement of the problem
► Hypothesizing
► Investigating or data gathering
► Testing hypothesis
► Forming conclusions
► Creative and constructive projects
► Field trips
► Laboratory work
► Activity-centered
► Student-centered activities
Educational Aim
► For social efficiency.
► Train the students to continuously and actively quest for information and production of new ideas needed to adjust to the ever-changing society.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Creation of new social order
► Integrated and based on the problem of society (NCBTS based).
► Subjects are interdisciplinary.
School of Thought
► Robert Maynard Hutchins
► Mortimer Jerome Adler
► Jacques Maritain
► Most Conservative philosophy
► Education focuses on developing rationality.
► Education is preparation for life, and the students should be taught of the world’s permanencies through structured studies.
► Truths are constant and universal.
► Students must acquire knowledge of unchanging principles.
Role of Teachers
► Known Master of Discipline.
► Source of knowledge (teacher-centered).
► Subject-centered.
► Methods of disciplining the mind through reading and discussion
► Memorization to develop mastery.
Educational Aim
► To develop power of thought, internalize truths that are universal and constant.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Great ideas or universal principles.
► Focused on arts and sciences.
School of Thought
► Plato
► Karl Popper
► John Stuart Mill
► William Bagley
► Assumes that values are embedded in the universe waiting to be discovered and understood.
► Learning is relatively static, since there is only one way to understand the world that is already written in the book (textbook approach to learning).
► Study of knowledge and skills based on the book is imperative to become productive member of the society.
Role of Teachers
► Base the lesson to the book.
► Prepare well-organized lesson to prove that he is an authority of instruction.
► Deductive method
► Drill method
► Recitation
► Memorization
Educational Aim
► Provide sound training of the fundamental skills.
► Develop individual to perform justly, skillfully and magnanimously.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Emphasis on essential skills in reading, writing and counting.
► Hard sciences and vocational courses.
School of Thought
► William Heard Kilpatrick
► John Dewey
► Exactly opposite of perennialism.
► Assumes that the world changes.
► Learner must be taught to be independent, self-reliant thinker, learn to discipline himself, be responsible for the consequences of his actions.
► Emphasize on the concept of progress which asserts that human beings are capable of improving and perfecting their environment.
► Curriculum must be derived from the needs and interests of the students.
Role of Teachers
► Acts as a resource person
► Guide or facilitator of learning (student-centered).
► Teaches students how to learn and become active problem solvers.
► Teachers provide experiences that will make students active and not passive.
► Cooperative learning strategies.
► Reflective strategies
► Problem solving strategies.
Educational Aim
► To provide the learner the necessary skills to be able to interact with his ever changing environment.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Activity and experience centered on life functions.
School of Thought
► Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
► Jean-Paul Sartre
► Man has no fixed nature and he shapes his being as he lives.
► Man exists of his own choice.
► Reality is what you experience.
► School exists to discover and expand society we live in. Students study
► social experiments and solve problems.
► Existence precedes essence.
Role of Teachers
► Good provider of experiences.
► Effective questioner.
► Mental disciplinarian.
► Creates an atmosphere for active interaction.
► Discuss the different situations based on each individual experiences.
► Inquiry Approach
► Question-Answer Method
Educational Aim
► To train an individual for significant and meaningful existence.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Subject-centered.
► Arts for aesthetic expression
► Humanities for ethical values.
School of Thought
► Theodore Brameld
► George Sylvester Counts
► Paulo Reglus Neves Freire
► Ivan Illich
► Man to a significant degree plan and control his society.
► Society is in need of constant reconstruction.
► Social change involves a reconstruction of education and the use of education in reconstructing society.
► Mankind has the intellectual, technological, and moral potential to create a world civilization of abundance, health and human capacity.
Role of Teachers
► Lead the learners in designing programs for social, educational, practical and economic change.
► Primary agent of social change.
► Initiates lively discussions on controversial issues, political and educational.
► Enables the learners to critically examine their cultural heritage.
► Community-based projects
► Problem-oriented method
Educational Aim
► Education is based on the quest for better society.
► Education enlivens the students’ awareness of different societal problems.
Curriculum Emphasis
► Stresses learning that enable the individual to live in a global milieu.
► Controversial national and international issues.
► Emphasis on social sciences and social research methods; examination of social, economic and political problems.
► Focused on present and future trends.
The Different Philosophies in Education, Their Proponents, Its Assumptions, and Its Implications on Education.